3 Things Human Design is NOT

Human Design is not always easy to explain!

Sometimes it is easier to get an idea of what something is by looking at what it is not!

1. Human Design is NOT another personality test

Human Design is NOT another personality test! 

I must admit to being annoyed at times to see Human Design added to a ‘Top 20 Personality Tests’ type of list. This really does take away from the true value of Human Design.

Human Design can definitely reveal things about your personality, but if you view it as only a personality test you are limiting the depth of what it can reveal.

Most personality tests fall into the category of being self-reporting. In other words, they are based on your perceptions of yourself.

A Human Design chart is created using scientific and ancient wisdom.

Often it will reveal things about yourself that have been entirely unconscious but have been affecting your relationships and behaviours through your life.

Having awareness of these deep aspects of ourselves gives us an opportunity to work with them, explore them and, in many cases, begin to heal or release them.

Human Design is more like a manual than a personality test.

Yes, it does reveal your personality but it also shows what your strengths are, what your learning styles might be, how you deal with emotion and fear and so many other aspects of yourself.

Are you ready to dive in and explore who you truly are?

2. Human Design is NOT a dogma or religion

Human Design is NOT a dogma or a religion.

It does not associate with any particular religions, although there are connections to a number of ancient philosophies that do have religious connections.

Your Human Design is simply the way you were designed to be from birth.

There is no judgement involved. Instead there is acceptance.

Human Design really is the science of differentiation.

Everyone is unique and everyone has their own uniqueness to contribute to the whole.

Having said that, there are people who do seem to want to treat Human Design as a dogma or religion that cannot be touched or changed!

This is not what the teachings around Human Design are meant to instil in us. It is not meant to be a case of limiting ourselves and the system by holding too tightly to the information contained within it, in my opinion.

3. Human Design is NOT a quick fix magic bullet

Human Design is NOT a quick fix magic bullet.

Although Human Design has the potential to lead out personal growth in particular directions, this is not a quick process.

True growth happens across a lifetime not in only a very short space of time.

If you use your Human Design as a road map and an operator’s manual, you can definitely change how you relate to yourself. Personally, I have found that through Human Design I have been able to understand and accept myself more readily than with any other tool I have used.

BUT, this process takes time. There are many layers to peel back and realisations to go through.

The founder of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu, always said that the ‘deconditioning’ process (as he called it) took at least 7 years!

Although you reach a high level of clarity about yourself after working with your design for that many years, that is also not the end of the journey.

Human Design is an incredible, very specific tool for seeing into who you really are – but you need to be prepared to put in some work. Things will begin to change as soon as you have awareness and willingness to change but the process will not be complete quickly.

The starting point for this change always begins with knowing and aligning with your Strategy and Authority!


When looking at Human Design, always keep in mind that it is about differentiation and empowering people to be who they are – an amazing, unique individual!

If you would like to understand more about the Human Design system and how it can add value to your life, why not join the free masterclass: ‘What is Human Design?’

Details and tickets available here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/what-is-human-design-tickets-556436625927 

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