Human Design Generators may be the most common type in the population, but they are anything but common!

They are here to bring their unique lifeforce and workforce  energy to the world. Although they are designed to work, that is not the complete story!

The world as a whole is happiest when Generators are making aligned decisions and choosing the work that is correct for them. This brings them deep satisfaction and an energy that contributes to everyone else.

Generators are the true builders of the world and we would be lost without them!

Let’s explore just a few of the things that make them so fascinating and important.

1. Generator Strategy: to wait to respond. Look out for all the opportunities life is bringing you!

A Generator has a defined Sacral Centre and no motors going to the Throat Centre.

The Sacral Centre is meant to operate within the immediate physical environment. It gives off an aura that helps your Strategy to work.

The Generator Strategy is to Wait to Respond.

The idea of waiting can seem quite restricting but that is not the case for Generators. The world will bring you many different things to respond to – you just need to be aware of the things that are coming into your awareness.

What is it you are responding to?

The short answer is – anything! Once you become more aware and attuned to your environment, you will find people, things and environments to respond to. A response is simply something that creates a reaction in your Sacral Centre, pulling you towards a certain action or not.

How do you know whether the response is a ‘yes’ or ‘no’?

The Sacral Centre is very vibrational, so your response should arise from your gut as a vibration. As a young child you probably expressed your yes/no as a vocal vibration. This is often described as ah-ha or uh-uh, but it is particular to you. 

Often you will have lost the connection to this vibration because as children grow they are told they need to use their words. This can have the effect of disconnecting you from your Sacral Response.

People around you may hear it in your voice, particularly when you are saying words that are the opposite to your Sacral response. For example, if you tell a friend that you would love to meet for coffee but you really, deep down, don’t feel in the mood.

Your Sacral provides a binary response – either a yes or a no, so when you have questions that are open-ended it can be difficult to know what your response is. It could be that people get annoyed with you if they say, “What do you want to do?” and you honestly have no idea! If they asked you, “Do you want to eat out?” you would get a much clearer idea of a yes/no.

When you are just learning to connect with your Strategy, it can help if you can ask a trusted person to ask you some yes/no questions so you can have an opportunity to recognise what each one feels like within your body.

2. Generator Aura: feels large and enveloping. This quality attracts many things for you to respond to.

A Generator has an aura that feels almost like an enveloping hug. This is how I experience it as someone who is not a Generator! The feeling of the aura does feel more welcoming in a Generator who is living in a higher vibe state, but it is still there.

The more you follow your Strategy by responding to the things that are right for you, the more magnetic your aura becomes. This brings into your awareness many more things to respond to. 

This almost becomes a cycle – the more you respond, the more you have to respond to – and so on.

You also need to cultivate your own awareness, though. It is entirely possible that life has been sending you things to respond to over and over but you have not noticed!

Your large and enveloping aura is designed to bring you things for your Strategy to respond to. People will be attracted to your energy and will bring you more opportunities.

Always remember that just because there is something to respond to, it doesn’t mean that your response is a ‘yes’. You have a binary response system – yes or no.

Also be aware that ignoring a no response and doing something anyway depletes the huge lifeforce and workforce energy that comes from your Sacral Centre. This centre is a motor which gives you the energy to do the things you are meant to do. If you consistently agree to do things that your Sacral is telling you a ‘no’ for, you will be working against this motorised energy. Essentially, you will be burning your motor out.

If you are struggling with your energy, it’s time to check back in with the things you’ve been saying yes to!

Learn to know your correct response. This will keep expanding your opportunities and keeping your aura magnetic.

3. Generator Themes: Satisfaction and Frustration. These are your alignment signposts.

Every Human Design Type has two themes – they represent the feelings of being your true self and not being your true self – in Human Design termed the Not Self.

These themes work like signposts or signals that help you to see if you are aligning with your Strategy and Authority or not.

The Generator’s themes are satisfaction and frustration. 

Satisfaction comes from you making decisions that are aligned for you, bringing you closer to your true self. This feeling of satisfaction has a vibrational aspect. It is like the “aaahh!” you might say after completing a task that you have found both challenging and interesting. It represents the deep satisfaction you feel after engaging with something that you have been naturally drawn to do. 

When you feel satisfaction, this is a sign that you have made some decisions that are truly correct for you, in alignment with your Strategy and Authority.

Satisfaction is basically positive feedback.

Frustration is the Not Self theme. In other words, it shows when you have tried to force your Sacral energy to engage with a task or job that is not aligned for you. When you do this, you will find it difficult to have access to the consistent energy needed to complete the task. The difficulty may show itself as you constantly making mistakes, or finding that the task takes much longer than expected, or some other obstacles might come through.

These difficulties and obstacles create the emotional reaction of frustration.

Frustration often feels like it needs a physical outlet. Often children feeling frustration will lash out physically, and so can some adults!

When you are feeling this way it is giving you a sign that you have been either saying no to things you should be saying yes to or saying yes to things that are a no from your Sacral. The second option tends to be more draining to your energy.

Check in with yourself when you are feeling frustration. Ask yourself some questions or, even better, get a trusted person to ask you some yes/no questions about some of the choices you have been making. This will give you some clarity around this.

It’s not always possible to change a decision you’ve made, but understanding and reflecting on what happened can help you in the future.


Anyone who has a Generator in their life is deeply blessed!

Honour them and encourage them.

Help them out by asking them yes/no questions.

Enjoy being in their amazing aura.

If you are a Generator, really become best friends with your Sacral Centre.

Learn what a ‘yes’ response is for you and follow it!

Above all, remember that being a Generator is only one facet of all of the aspects of your design that make you uniquely you.

If you are interested in going deeper into Human Design then I would invite you to join the Living By Your Human Design group.

Or check this link for other ways to connect with me.

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