Ways Human Design Can be Used to Raise Empowered Children

Human Design has always been intended to be something that helps to raise more confident and empowered children.

Understanding yourself by understanding your design is important.

Helping your child to understand themself by understanding their design is even more important.

Children are very capable of understanding and connecting to their Human Designs, particularly when it is introduced in the right way.

The result is much greater than just having a child who understands themself. There is a flow-on effect to all of those they come in contact with.

Even making just these three changes will impact you and your child.

1. See your child for they truly are – and honour their design

When you see your child as they truly are, you have the first tool for helping to raise an empowered child.

Knowing your child’s Human Design really can make a difference!

I know how deeply my parents conditioned me to believe that I was something I was not.

They expected me to be just like them!

But that was the opposite of who I am. I am a Projector not a Generator or a Manifesting Generator. Even all these years later I am still healing from the wounds they unconsciously and unknowingly left me with!

This was not their intention, but it was the result.

I often wonder what it would have been like to have been brought up in a way that honoured and empowered my Type, Strategy and Authority.

Spending so much time with young children over the years as a teacher, this is a pattern I’ve seen over and over again!

If you do nothing else for your child, know and honour their design. It shows what makes them truly unique!

2. Teach your child to understand their energy and how align with it

When you know your child’s Human Design and parent them according to that, you are already allowing them to embrace their uniqueness.

If you teach them about their energy, how it works and how to align with it, you are giving them tools that will help them throughout their whole life.

Imagine having a Generator or Manifesting Generator child who learns to respond to the people and environment around them.

Or what about a little Projector who learns to wait to be recognised or invited before guiding people.

What about life as a Manifestor child who understands that informing comes before initiating.

And finally, how powerful would a Reflector child become if they learnt from a very early age how the people they are with, their environment and the Moon has an impact on them.

The result would be a society in which people were free to live as themselves, confidently making decisions that are right for them!

(Of course you may need to choose their place of education carefully, too! But more about that another time!!)

3. Train your child to use their Authority to make decisions

Knowing your child’s Human Design is great!

Teaching them about their design is better!!

BUT training them in how to work with their design, particularly their Authority, will enrich their entire lives.

Why is their Authority so important?

This is the final piece in the energetic decision-making system.

It begins with understanding their energy Type. This shows how much energy they will have day to day and how that energy will impact those around them – or how much they will be impacted by others.

It is then really important to understand Strategy. It is through Strategy that opportunities arise. These are coming from something or someone outside of your child because of their energy Type. The Strategy brings opportunities to make decisions about. The more your child is aligned with their energy, the more opportunities will come into their life.

From these opportunities, your child can learn how to make an aligned decision.

This is a response that arises within them. If your child has an Emotional Authority, you can help them to understand their emotional wave. If they have a Sacral Authority, you can help them to recognise their yes/no responses. And so on.

Learning to recognise and work with your authority is much harder as an adult. We are conditioned and wounded through our Authority from our family, our schooling and our working life.

If you can teach your child how to use their Authority when they are young, it will be much easier for them to resist someone else trying to act as their outer authority as they grow up!

They will also be confident in their decision-making!

What a gift to give your child!


Human Design is meant to be a tool for transformation.

It can transform you.

It can transform your child.

It can transform your entire family!

If you’d like more information about how to help your child to embrace their uniqueness in an empowering way, keep an eye out over the next week or so! I’m introducing some readings for children and families – and a few other things! Let me know if you want to be among the first to hear about it!

For more thoughts on why it is great to know your child’s design, tune into our latest podcast. Search for ‘The Synergy of Us’ on Spotify and other podcasting platforms.

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