The Human Design Experiment is where the true magic of the system is revealed.

We are not meant to be static and unchanging. We are here to learn how to step into our true and authentic selves.

This is what the experiment reveals as it unfolds.

1. Your Human Design Experiment improves your experience of life.

The Human Design experiment has many positive results, although that’s not to say that it is either a quick or easy process. It’s not. It is a lifelong experience.

As you step into your experiment, you will begin to view yourself and your life in a different way.

When I first came to Human Design, I was living my life as though I was a Manifesting Generator. My undefined centres meant that I was taking in energy from others and storing it within myself – essentially hoarding it as my own! I had many days where I wondered why I felt entirely disconnected from myself.

I felt like a stranger in my own body.

When I started my experiment it wasn’t easy. In fact, it was, at times, quite confronting as I let go of years old patterns and stories. Even with all of this going, though, my experience of my life felt much better.

I knew who I was. My experiment allowed me to begin peeling back the layers and allowing my true self to appear more and more.

It felt empowering!

If you are ready to start your own Human Design experiment, I invite you to consider doing ‘Your Human Design Foundations’. It is a program I have designed to help people get started with their experiment using some of the tools and processes I used to begin my own experiment. It also allows you to explore the foundational aspects of your design at your own pace, while receiving support as needed.

2. You can find out the way things are designed to work for you when you engage with your HD Experiment.

Are you working in harmony with your aura?

Do you know how your Strategy works?

How connected to your Authority are you?

If you don’t feel like you are energetically balanced it is likely because of a number of things, including your aura, Strategy and Authority.

The Human Design experiment is about you discovering for yourself how you are designed to work.

Do you know how your energy impacts on others? OR How their energy impacts on you?

What can you do to deal with the energy of others?

There are so many aspects of you that are designed to work in a specific way. Your experiment allows you to be aware of them.

The Human Design experiment is a deep dive into yourself. You are both the experimenter and the observer in the process. The experiment doesn’t require a huge time commitment, just a commitment to yourself and an awareness of your own energy.

3. Your Human Design Experiment allows you to know yourself deeply, and to understand others at a deeper level, too.

Your Human Design experiment allows you to truly get to know yourself.

Over time, your self-awareness becomes greater and stronger.

When you come to know yourself truly, you can come to truly love yourself.

Ultimately, knowing and loving yourself is really our purpose in this life.

Yes, we will have other things that we will be drawn to do and that are quite purposeful, but what is more important than being able to love the true, authentic you?

When we know and love ourselves it opens up our capacity to understand and love others.

Your experiment reveals more and more how each of us is unique.

No-one else can be you. No-one else can act as the true you. No-one else can make decisions in the same way as you.

This is true for everyone!

When we live our lives from this perspective, we are empowering each other. We can encourage each other to be our own authorities and to trust in our own internal knowingness.

That is an amazing legacy to leave, isn’t it?


When you learn about your Human Design, you have three choices:

  1. Don’t do anything, and nothing will change.
  2. Learn some of the details and be happy to tell people what type you are and what that means.
  3. Have a lived experience of Human Design by stepping into your experiment.

Sometimes, you might not be ready to step into the experiment immediately.

You can state your experiment whenever you are ready!

If you are ready now, check out the details below!

If you are new to Human Design, check out the free masterclass What is Human Design?

If you are ready to go deeper into your design, and to begin your experiment, Your Human Design Foundations is starting soon! Complete the Expression of Interest form here.

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