How Can Knowing about the Planets and Asteroids in Your Human Design Change You

Connecting with your Human Design through the Jupiter gates can increase the abundance available to you within your business.


In astrology and Human Design, the planet Jupiter is about expansion, change and abundance. Abundance does include finances!

The planet Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. It is a gaseous giant that has a large energetic influence on us all. It is because of its size, energy and energetic expansion that we have the themes associated with it.

Along with Saturn, it is also seen as being about being social and being in society.

When we combine these two things together, we can see why Jupiter has an impact on us in our business. Through our businesses we gather together a ‘society’ that is impacted by us and that we impact.

When we understand the gifts and highest expression of our Jupiter gates we have a way to expand within our business. 

In fact, through our Design Jupiter gate (shown in red on your chart), we can see who we are here to impact. In Human Design this is called your fractal line – these are the people who are energetically drawn to you and your business. Our Personality Jupiter gate (shown in black) shows us how we most naturally relate to money. This can help us to understand how we can create more abundance in our lives.

There are other planetary activations that can also help us to build a more magnetic and abundant business. It is not just about Jupiter, but it is a place to start.

If you are interested in creating a more magnetic and abundant business, I am currently looking for 5 people who are willing to go on this transformational journey with me. As with any transformation – there will be challenges and blocks to overcome before you reach empowerment!

(Note – this is for a beta program)

Message me for more details!

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