What is Driving You in Business

There are a number of places in your chart that reveal something about how you are driven, what things might light you up and what direction/s you are designed for in business and life.

To find out what really drives you, though, have a look at your Moon gates.

The Moon is a big energy in our lives that influences the flow of life on the planet – particularly the oceans! It also has a strong influence on you. It provides an emotional push forward which may take us closer to our true direction or may throw us entirely off course!

It has an emotional energy so it is not entirely predictable! The Moon is very yin, feminine and nurturing and, through our emotions, calls us to be open to our gifts and true purpose.

The place where the Moon sits in your design, shows what is truly important to you. Knowing this can give you the best direction and drive to achieve results in your business.

Let me illustrate what I’m saying. My Personality Moon (black) gate is Gate 28 – Struggles. This gate can get caught up in worthless, energy zapping struggles or focus on the adventure of life – the possibilities that are available. When I focus my attention on positive struggles, I am far more open to options and ideas. In those times, I find that I am open to very creative ways of looking at problems. I am able to help others see what is possible in their lives or businesses.

The Moon gate on the red side (Design) is Gate 45, which is also my Design Sun gate, and gives me an ability to see the best way to use resources. My innate response is to show people how to make better use of the resources they have – money, talents, equipment, ideas and so on.

When the two come together in my business, I am able to see new ways of moving my business forward and (because I’m a Projector), I’m even more strongly able to see how other businesses can create more through making (often) very easy changes.

What do your Moon gates show you about the drive you bring to your business? More importantly, how can you capture that magical push energy from the Moon to create more momentum in your business?

If you are interested in creating more consistent financial flow in your business, I am currently looking for 5 people who are willing to go on this transformational journey with me. As with any transformation – there will be challenges and blocks to overcome before you reach empowerment! Starting mid-October! (Note – this is a beta program)

If your Authority is giving you a yes, let me know!

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