Using Your Human Design to Create Positive Growth in Your Business

Human Design is designed to be your personal road map. It shows you things about how you operate at an energetic level, what themes and actions are going to be strongest in your life and, most importantly, it shows the way to empower and love yourself.

But, it can also act as a guide to things that arise in your business.

I’ve already written a few articles and posts about this. One of the most important places to start is by understanding what your Conscious Sun gate is all about. Find the article I wrote about this here.

Your Conscious Sun gate is how you shine in the world. When you tap into this energy in your business, it can increase your visibility and attractiveness for your ideal clients/customers.

Using your Human Design Chart, you can discover where it is that people will connect to you. This is most often where you have openness. When you use the language and ideas of these parts of your chart, people who need your business will have a connection point. 

Knowing how your Throat Centre and Throat Gates work, will help you to align yourself powerfully to the communication that is most energetically correct for you. It can also illuminate for you the kinds of words and topics you are here to communicate.

Just from investigating these things, you will have an entire social media marketing plan at your fingertips. Even better, this plan will align with your energy that will feel very authentic to the right people – the people who truly need your services.

These are just a few of the things we look at during a 90 minute ‘Your Next Step by Design’ session. You will come away with so many actions steps you can take – all of which will immediately make you feel more certain and empowered as an entrepreneur!

Contact me for more details, or, if your authority is giving you a ‘yes’, you can book here.

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