How Do You Use Your Human Design to Expand Your Wealth Capacity?

Human Design offers us wisdom for all areas of our life – our personal growth, our purpose, our finances and tools we can use in our business.

I’ve already previously talked about Mercury and its role in our business and finances. You can check it out here.

Your ability to connect with people who then choose to work with your business relies on a number of moving parts. Human Design can show you the most aligned way to determine things like:

  • Your messaging – particularly the language that will resonate with clients
  • Financial blocks that may be creating a wealth ceiling
  • What your gifts really are and how they can shine in your business
  • How you can attract your true ideal clients
  • What archetype you are here to show up as in your business
  • What your true brand is – You – and how to harness this positive energy to allow money to flow into your business
  • How do you work best with money – are you an overseer, a manager or something else?
  • And many other things

Of course, the starting point is getting comfortable with the energy of your Type and your Strategy. This needs to combine with your Authority. When you tap into these foundational aspects of yourself you will already put yourself into a position to make better decisions in life and business.

I am currently offering 5 positions in my beta program HD Financial Flow. 

This program covers many of the key areas above.

It will help you address financial blocks, boost your confidence and increase your magnetic attraction for your ideal clients. Through these changes you should also experience an increase in the income you attract into your business.

If your authority is saying ‘yes’, please send me a message and I’ll provide you with more.

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