Business For Projectors - Part 2

In Part 1, I looked at my experiences in life and business as an unknowing Projector. Basically, it was not easy and ultimately led to my business endeavours failing to succeed and my bitterness becoming deeply embedded.

At the end of 2018, I began my journey towards being an entrepreneur once again. I just couldn’t stop myself!

After my last experiences I was, to say the least, wary. I felt that my best way forward was to make sure that I had lots of information about being in business.

Although I wasn’t clear about exactly what my business was going to be, I joined a coaching program. As a Line 1, it was a very useful process. I certainly felt like I knew more about how to turn up in business and how to run my business so I could actually earn an income that would allow me some financial freedom.

I launched the first version of my business in 2020, full of confidence! I had even dropped to working only 4 days part in my job. I felt so sure I had  all the tools to succeed!

Of course, Covid changed the business landscape early in the year. At the time my main skill set was in doing Mind Reiki, which people generally wanted in person – so I felt like I was a bit stuck! Luckily, I became an NLP practitioner and that gave me a bigger toolkit!

As a teacher, I had to keep on doing my job even when everyone else, it seemed, was locked down! It was a stressful time for everyone, but schools were certainly workplaces where the situation felt overwhelming!

Luckily (or so I thought), coaches were offering help to maximise what was happening at such a difficult time – often for lower price points. I joined one of these group coaching programs and followed all the instructions given. I could see (what felt like) everyone else succeeding while I was dropping my prices just to get clients. Projector bitterness was rampant in my life! I was swamped by feeling sorry for myself and comparisonitis! 

I continued to struggle, only having limited success. On reflection, the success came typically when I received invitations. If only I had understood my design back then… But the truth is – I needed to walk the path in the way that I did so that I could and would embrace Human Design when I discovered it!

Knowing my Human Design, knowing I was a 1/3 Self-Projected Projector, changed the way I viewed myself and the way I interacted with the world!

Talk about the best tool to empower yourself!

I’m not saying it has been easy to wait for invitations, because it’s not.

But I have learnt to embrace the wait! There is so much to explore, learn and experiment with!

I’m not saying it’s easy to be recognised, because it isn’t!

But the energy you get from recognition is amazing!

I have learnt patience.

I have learnt to recognise my bitterness and work on releasing it.

I have learnt to embrace my own uniqueness.

I’ve learnt to have fun with my design.

Each time I follow my strategy and authority, I align more and more to who I am here to be.

That brings me more recognition and more invitations.

And I’ve certainly gone on an amazing journey – that is still unfolding!

My number one piece of advice is to keep going. If your strategy and authority has led you to have a business, find ways to keep going! 

I see you, powerful Projector!

I recognise how wonderful you are!

Know that the Universe has got your back!


If you would like support from a Projector who truly understands what you are going through,  I would like to invite you to join the HD Financial Flow group program.

It will help you address financial blocks, boost your confidence and increase your magnetic attraction for your ideal clients. Through these changes you should also experience an increase in the income you attract into your business.

This new program is launching at the end of November, but early bird pricing is available now!

If your authority is saying ‘yes’, please send me a message!

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