3 Things You Can Do to Fire Up Your Profile

1. Really know the strengths and weaknesses of each of your lines.

Everything within Human Design has a yin/yang flavour. There are strengths and weaknesses, gifts and shadows and usually a continuum between the two extremes. Our profile is one of those aspects of our design that can be easiest to connect with, making it also one of those places which can really teach us about ourselves.

Let me give you a personal example. I have Line 1. This is the foundational line of the hexagram (the thing the lines are based on). Because this is foundational to the entire structure, knowledge is my foundation. This is both a strength and a weakness. I gain great strength through building my knowledge until I become an expert in one or more areas. This is who I am here to be. Line 1s are a knowledge resource for all the other types.

This is also a point of weakness for a Line 1. Do we ever have all the information? No – there is always something to learn. This can become a point of stuckness. How do I determine when I have enough information to create change in myself? If I don’t feel like I have a strong enough foundation, I become stuck. I never move into the energy of my Line 3.

All the key features of each line have a similar energy. If you are in balance, you create change. If you don’t, you remain stuck in some way.

2. Check in – Am I balancing both aspects of my profile?

Once you know the strengths and weaknesses of both lines in your profile, you can begin to bring them into balance individually and together.

This really requires focus to achieve. I would say that with Human Design, any application and change work requires focus and effort. No permanent change happens in the instant.

This is about really getting you to see yourself more clearly. With your profile this is not always easy. Remember it is constructed from both your Personality and Design sides, meaning that it is a combination of your conscious awareness (Personality) and your deeply unconscious or innate (Design). You may also find that it is easier work with your first line Personality aspect first.

That is certainly my experience. I needed to grasp how my Line 1 worked in my life, before I was able to see my Line 3 and its role. This may not be the case for everyone. Also be aware that the way the Personality and Design lines iterate are different. I have Line 1 and my sister has Line 1. Mine is Personality Line 1 and hers is Design Line 1. They don’t operate in the same way, although their focus is the same.

It is worth working with your profile because it is about how you interact with the world. When they are in harmony, your interactions are more in balance. I would also say that not all lines come easily into some kind of balance and harmony.

3. Lose any judgements from you or others – embrace YOU!!

It is likely that you will have received some negative conditioning related to your profile over your life. These often show up as judgements.

I have been judged as being too much of a geeky nerd – and weird! That’s not just from my profile, but it is part of it. I struggled to feel like I was allowed to love information and learning. 

My Line 3 really caused me to judge myself. I grew up in a family that was not open to experimentation. Failures were not allowed! Line 3 is all about diving in and living an experiential life. Things don’t always work out the way we expect. However, I judged myself for every failure and often tried to keep them hidden like a dirty little secret!

It was like a lifting of a mighty weight to realise that I operated in a particular way. Some experiments would work the first time and some wouldn’t and that was ok. Have I 100% healed my self-judgment about failure? No, but my mindset has a huge change that continues to evolve.

If you want to know more about your profile, why not book in for an Intuitive HD Reading. This is a 60 minute pre-recorded video reading in which I can explore any aspect of your Human Design and what it means for you. Use this link to book and pay https://bit.ly/HDRead60 

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