A Powerful Influence in Your Business - Dwarf Planet Ceres

Human Design is a source of endless potential and fascination for me. 

There are so many layers and so many ways in which you can utilise your Human Design chart in creating a more aligned and successful business.

I am constantly seeking ways to make Human Design more practical and useful for clients.

Currently, I have a small group of business owners going through a beta version of HD Financial Flow. I have used (and am using) this process for my own business with results that have, quite frankly, startled me! This is proving to be the case for the participants as well. There have been some really significant changes in business growth and increases in income.

What does this have to do with Ceres?

HD Financial Flow identifies significant asteroids and other Solar System objects that have influenced (energetically) you over your life. This has been very revealing, showing more and more how powerful some of these things can be when layered over your standard Human Design chart.

Some of these objects can have a powerful influence, either positively or negatively, on you as a business owner.

This brings me to Ceres. For a long time, she was classified as an asteroid. When Pluto got his downgrade, she got her upgrade to dwarf planet status! She still sits within the Asteroid Belt, close to Earth, but her size and archetypal energy make her a potentially significant force in your life.

Ceres, from a mythological point-of-view is complex and multi-faceted, bringing this to bear on your life. One of her big themes is about nourishment, not so much in a food-related sense, but more in how you connect to others.

In your business, her placement in your Human Design chart shows specifically how you are here to nourish your clients and customers. When you tap into her energy, you are allowing yourself and your business to flourish.

If you ignore this, you can find yourself burning out because what nourishes others also nourishes you!

If you would like to delve into this further, there are two ways in which I can support you.

Your Next Step By Design is a 1:1 mentoring program that is guided by your specific needs and the needs of your business. Book your initial session here: https://bit.ly/Yrnextstep

If your biggest challenge is the financial flow of your business, send me a message to get details of the next HD Financial Flow group program coming in February 2024.

If you would like to see how I can help you in your business, book in for a free call. https://bit.ly/HDBizFree 

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