Are You Listening to Your Authority

One of the keys to unlocking the magic of your Human Design comes from using your authority every day as part of your decision-making process.

What is your authority? There are eight different ones. 

Emotional authority is the most common. More than 50% of people have this authority. It is not linked to type, unlike some of the other authorities. Everyone, except Reflectors, can have this type. This is not always an easy authority because it requires time. The way in which your authority works varies depending on which channel or channels you have going from your Solar Plexus to another Centre.

Other authorities we have are: Sacral (Generator types), Splenic (Projectors and Manifestors), Ego Manifested (Manifestors), Ego Projected (Projectors), Self Projected (Projectors), Mental/Environmental (Projectors) and Lunar (Reflectors).

Each authority has its own particular and distinct way of working. Typically, this will be a way that you kind of recognise, but have not always used because we are told in western societies that we have to make logical, brain-based decisions! News Flash! The brain does not give us truly logical decisions. We all have filters that determine the way in which our ‘logic’ works!

How can you connect to your Authority? 

  1. Begin by releasing the conditioning you have about how to make decisions! Begin to tell yourself that you are your best authority – not your best friend, not your spouse, not your parents and definitely not the government!
  2. Feel into your body. All authorities except Mental/Environmental and Lunar work entirely within the body. (With the other two authorities there are some extra layers you need to do external to the body but you will return there to understand your final decision.)
  3. Trust yourself. This is the tricky one! From childhood most of us have been trained away from trusting our intuition. This is the deep wisdom that our authority works from. It takes practice!
  4. Connect to your Authority every day. Working with your authority is not something that comes from the mind. It can’t be set and forgotten. It is embodied and intuitive. Regularly checking in is required.

Why bother? The reality is that you don’t have to do anything! We all have the power of choice.

But, from personal experience, I know that there truly is magic to be found when we connect and trust our Authority.

If you feel like you need support in getting started, I would like to invite you to do Your Human Design Foundations. Your Human Design Foundations program is being released on Feb 5 as a self-study option. The launch price will be $74. This program gives you a comprehensive view of your Strategy, Authority, Profile and an introduction to the Centres and how to work with them to create change. You will also be able to understand the foundational designs of those people closest to you! Put YES in the comments and I’ll contact you with details after mid-January.

If you want the group experience and lots of support and fun tools – watch out for more details about Your Human Design Foundations Live! Next round starts in mid-Feb!

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