How Can Your Personality Sun and Earth Gates Work for Your Business

Here is a very brief summary!

Your Personality Sun gate represents the strongest energy you are consciously aware of in your Human Design. This doesn’t necessarily mean that we are aligned with it! Typically, we have been given messages across our life that this part of ourselves is not appropriate in business, or life. It may be that it will be seen as too emotional if it is in the Solar Plexus Centre or too irrational if it is in the Spleen Centre, for example.

When we let the conditioning of others go and embrace our Personality Sun gate energy, we become like the Sun in our business – the shining light, the magnetising centre and the powerhouse of it.

What then is your Personality Earth gate about?

To get some idea of that, think about Earth as the planet we live on. What is it in our lives?

Due to gravity, it’s the place where we are able to remain grounded!

Whereas the Sun is made up of flowing and moving gases in a constant state of heat and energy, our planet is mostly made up of solid matter. It is not without the ability to change – sometimes rapidly but there is more consistency and regularity to how things happen.

The nature of our planet is reflected in the nature of our Earth gates, particularly our conscious Earth gate. They give us stability and groundedness. This can be a positive attribute in a business. It can’t all be about shining out our energy. This is essentially the solid base on which our business can be built that allows us to shine!

In Human Design, if we look at the Rave Mandala (see the included diagram) we find that our Personality Sun and Earth gates are directly opposite each other. They are essentially the yin/yang of each other.

This means that, in a positive state they balance the energy of each other and can be very harmonious attributes to your business. If you have not been aware of these two energies, it is more likely that they work uneasily together. At different times one will dominate more than the other. This can feel quite unbalancing.

How Can Your Personality Sun and Earth Gates Work for Your Business

Understanding and recognising the nature of each of these gates can support you in feeling more balanced in your business.

If you would like some support in understanding your Sun and Earth gates (both Personality and Design) and how they contribute to your business, send me a direct message or book in for a free call to chat about how Human Design can create a positive change in your business. Book here 

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