Money is Energy

Science, thanks to Einstein and others, has shown that energy is everywhere.

Our world, our Solar System and our Universe are essentially energy.

Money is energy!

I would also say that money is neutral. It is neither good nor bad – it just is.

We are the ones who put some kind of ‘special’ meaning to money.

We need money to live in our world but it is about exchanging the energy of money for some other energy. It is an energy exchange. It is neutral. When we view it with neutrality, we are allowing the natural flow to exist in our lives.

Why then do we have so many ‘stories’ about what money means?

This is because our experiences, and our parents’ experiences, and our grandparents’ experiences, and so on, have created our family narrative about money.

Chances are across many generations there have been experiences of poverty and scarcity that are passed down to you, often at a genetic level. There may have been experiences of extreme wealth that bring other beliefs about money. Along with different significant events that create a perception about what money means. We are the sum total of the people who have gone before us.

What things were said about money when you were a child? Do those voices still echo in your mind at an unconscious level?

The good news is that we don’t have to hold onto these old stories! We can choose to release the blocks to the energetic flow of money.

HD Financial Flow is about healing and taking action to allow more ease in the flow of clients and money into your business.

The beta version of the program is nearing its completion, with some really pleasing and positive changes coming through. Everyone has experienced improvements in the financial flow of their business and the number of enquiries and/or new clients coming into their business. There have also been some big shifts around money and other aspects of their businesses.

HD Financial Flow is returning as a group program starting on January 29. 

If you are worried about lacking experience or understanding of your Human Design – don’t. There is a short, pre-learning component included for you!

If you are a focused action-taker, ready to release money blocks and energise yourself into a more successful 2024, send me a message for more details! Or book in for a free chat to see if HD Financial Flow is the right fit for you and your business. Book using this link 

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