1. Embrace your Authority – this supports your unique design.
2. Get to know your definition – this is consistently you!
3. Know the themes of your Sun and Earth gates – they guide your path in life.
Human Design is about showing you how you are a truly unique individual.
It seeks to empower you through this understanding.
There are so many ways in which you are truly unique.
Your Authority is one of those.
Although there are eight separate authorities, the way in which it operates for you will have its own distinct flavour that will not be the same for anyone else.
My authority is Self-Projected. Over my time interacting with others about their designs I’ve come to realise that, although there are some key similarities in this authority, it is not cookie-cutter. We all need to learn how our authority works within our overall design.
Another place where you can experience your unique way of operating is through the combination of defined centres (and their gates and channels) that give you energetic certainty. The sense of certainty is there because you are able to rely on these centres to operate in a similar way over and over again because of the consistent flow of energy. This is not to say that you cannot grow and change in these areas – because you can! These centres are essentially within your awareness because it is your energy – not energy taken in from someone else.
Your Sun and Earth gates is another area where you can come to understand your truly unique way of operating in life. These four gates represent the most powerful force in your chart. Get to know them and embrace their energy. They are going to be doing their thing whether you recognise them or not – so why not get to know them?
If you are ready to begin this journey, consider booking in for a Synergy Human Design Reading. This provides you with a unique way to view yourself. It is the starting point to change! Book your reading here: https://bit.ly/SynergyHD