How Can You Align Your Business Communication to Your Throat Centre?

Whether you have a defined (coloured) Throat Centre or not, this is the place where we communicate, manifest and create change in the world.

Any gates you have defined (coloured) and any channels you have reveal how you are here to communicate.

Each of the Throat gates have their own ‘voice’. If you are trying to communicate outside of these voices then your message will not land as strongly as you would like.

It could even be that your message will come across as scrambled, out of alignment or insincere!

Those of you with entirely open Throat Centres (meaning that it is uncoloured and there are no gates coloured), will have access to the defined voices of those around you. This post is not going to cover this topic, but I’m happy to talk through the strategies with you one-to-one. (Just contact me for more details).

This post will be focusing on defined gates, whether in a defined centre or not. Just be aware that if your Throat Centre is undefined you will have less consistent access to the energy here.

Each of the 11 gates (which is more than any other centre) will have a flavour to their voice because of the other centre they are pointing towards. For example, if you have Gate 35 defined then your communication will have an underlying emotional energy because that is the direction in which the gate energy is ‘pointing’ (see diagram).

Use the following Table to understand what the focus of your communication is designed to be about. If you have any channels, those Throat gates will have the most consistent energy so would be a good place to start. It is also useful to note if any of your Throat gates are also in Mercury. These will be extremely potent energetically!

Reflect on how you can express some of these key words and ideas in your communication. Perhaps you will find that you naturally use some of these expressions in your business. Consider how you can more consciously use them. Communicating in alignment with your Throat Centre energy will naturally draw the clients/customers to you who are needing what you are offering.

If you would like some support in working with your Throat gates and having more targeted communication, send me a direct message or book in for a free call to chat about how Human Design can create a positive change in your business. Book here 

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