Organise Yourself and Set Goals

I have had a number of conversations with clients recently around organisation and goal setting in their business. Typically, this has been because a system or process that they’ve been told is the ‘best’ way to do it just doesn’t sit comfortably with them. They find themselves struggling to follow the system and often feel like there is something wrong with them!

There’s nothing wrong with them. There’s nothing wrong with the system. The two just don’t fit together comfortably!

Any particular method or goal setting process that someone has created, and then touts as ‘the solution’ is, in reality, the correct way for them to go about things. There will be other people who have similar aspects to their design who will also feel comfortable and find success with that system. There will also be a whole group of people who try to force themselves into that mould and wonder why it is such a struggle or so draining to do this ‘wonder system’. It doesn’t feel too wonderful to them – and it is often not sustainable or successful for them!

Human Design shows us that we are all unique individuals, so there is no one size fits all! When I look at key aspects of my clients’ designs, such as the centres in their head, their leftness or rightness energetically (not physically!) and some of their gates, it is actually possible to combine together different systems into a personalised system that sits comfortably with that individual. 

Finding the correct process for an individual is not too difficult. Being able to work in alignment with your energy (as shown through the tool of Human Design) is incredibly empowering for them. Discovering that there is nothing ‘wrong’ because you couldn’t fit into the method’s particular ‘shape’ is like having a weight lifted from your shoulders!

So, what is the best way for you to organise yourself and set goals? That is the way that is aligned with your energetic blueprint, your Human Design!

Helping you understand your best ways of organising yourself and setting goals is one thing we can do in ‘Your Next Step by Design’ coaching sessions.

Individual sessions are currently $145 for 90 min. Book here

Or you can go deeper with 3 sessions for $420. Book your first session here 

If you would like discover more about how Human Design can support you and your business, book your free call here 

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