What is the Purpose of the Nodes in Your Design

What are the nodes that are shown in your Human Design chart?

In very simple terms they are mathematical points in space that show where the orbit of the Moon crosses the perceived pathway of the Sun across the sky (the elliptical).

This is where to find the gates that were in these positions in your Human Design Natal chart:

The top sign is the North Node.

The reverse of this is the South Node.

If you have been wondering about what your purpose is during this life, these two gates give you some information about this.

The South Node gates show what lessons and learning you have already come into this life with – what you learnt in the previous life to bring through to the next from a reincarnation perspective. This is essentially like your comfort zone. These gates show where you might feel most comfortable and what things you might feel most comfortable doing. It can also reveal some of your strengths but also some of your weaknesses. 

The example I’ve given has both the Design (red) and Personality (black) South Node with the same gates with just the line numbers being different. If this is the same in your chart, then you will have innate talents, strengths and blinspots related to the gates but will also be consciously aware of how the energy is impacting on you.

If you have different gates on the red and black sides then you will have different things that are innate to within your awareness. You may have a reduced perception of how the Design gates are playing out in your life. However, you will be very conscious of the themes of the Personality gates in your life.

The North Node gates show what lessons you are here to learn during your lifetime, whether you are aware of this or not! Across your life, but particularly once you get past your late 30s, there will be key events that happen that are intended to shake you up and wake you up to push you towards the lessons your soul has chosen for you to learn.

Most people have heard of Saturn Return, which is when the planet Saturn returns to the exact position it was in at the time of your birth (Personality) and about 88 days prior to that (Design). All of the planets do this, some, like Mercury, having quite frequent returns and some, like Pluto, not happening during your lifetime because of the length of their orbits.

The Nodes have a return between every 18 to 19 years, although the one that happens at 37 – 39 is considered the most powerful in terms of changing from a focus primarily on the South Node to a focus on the North Node. Because of the return, it is likely that around every 18 years or so you will have experiences that are intended to teach you about letting go and progressing away from the South Node themes and learning to work more with the North Node themes.

Halfway between one return and the next, there is something called the Reverse Return. This is only for the Nodes because they are two points in space rather than one object! At the Reverse Return your South Node gate is in the North Node position and vice versa. This is another opportunity to see how the themes of your South Node are not really working for you and how you are progressing towards your North Node themes.

The Nodes themselves and their returns play a powerful role in your life’s lessons and can be quite painful. For example, I have experienced deaths, other losses, failures and challenges to my belief systems during the different returns and reverse returns I’ve experienced!

If you would like to explore your Nodes further (including a look at asteroids and dwarf planets that are part of the picture) you can book The Seeker HD Reading. This is a 60 min pre-recorded reading for $120. Booking link https://bit.ly/HDReadSeek

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