3 Gifts of the Defined Centres

1. Defined Centres have a consistent flow of energy.

2. Defined Centres emit energy which can influence others. 

3. Defined Centres are the parts of your design that are always reliable

All aspects of your design are a gift. Some parts can feel more challenging than others.

Your defined centres tend to be something that you can usually feel more at ease with.

They have a consistent flow of energy thanks to the channel connecting between two of your centres.

The defined centres show places where we are influencing others rather than being influenced by them. But they also remind us that we are meant to be in constant energetic exchange – with other people and the universe! Of course, this is not something we can control necessarily but it can give us feedback about our energy due to the amplification. This does require the development of self-awareness!

We get a very comfortable feeling from our defined centres because they are always there, always consistent and always reliable.

Until I understood how my energy was working through the centres I was not really aware of them generally speaking. That was not the case with my undefined centres where the impact was so powerful that I thought they defined who I was!

If you want to get to know your centres a little better, Your Human Design Foundations can support you in achieving this. This is a self-study program that provides knowledge and practical action steps. It launches mid-February A$74. Let me know if you’d like more details.

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