Strategy and Authority are the two foundational keys to unlocking the magic of your design. When you consistently use these two elements, it makes it easier for you to live in the truest expression of you.
How does this work in business?
Why is it a good idea to use it here – even if that means you might make decisions that are counterintuitive in the eyes of observers?
Your Strategy and Authority work at an energetic level and provide you with ‘information’ about what will be the best use of your energy. The best use can relate to many things.
No matter what type you are, everyone needs to preserve and focus their energy in a direction that is right for your entire design.
If we don’t do that, we end up depleting our energy, which has an impact on more than just our energetic self. It impacts you physically, mentally and emotionally as well.
When we listen to and use our Strategy and Authority on a daily basis in our business we are making decisions that move us towards our true selves.
Let me illustrate with a personal story.
When I was still dabbling with my Human Design and wasn’t yet confident in relying on my Strategy and Authority, I often made decisions that were the ‘right’ thing to do in business to be a success.
One strategy I was given was to go into lots of other Facebook groups, where my avatar would be hanging out, and post responses to other people, post information of my own and send friend requests to people who had responded in some way.
That sounds like a perfectly reasonable way to go about things.
I actually felt quite uncomfortable doing some of those things, and it was very draining to be spending lots of time joining groups, looking for things to respond to and trying to connect.
Why? Because I’m a Projector. I needed to have an invitation before trying to spread my wisdom around otherwise it generally falls on deaf ears.
That’s exactly what happened! There were very limited results and it was exhausting.
On the other hand, when I was invited into groups to share my wisdom and I felt right about accepting the invitation, it was an entirely different experience.
The uncomfortable feeling was my Authority trying to signal to me that it was not the best place for me to be at an energetic level. When I listened to my Authority and went to places where I was truly recognised, I experienced success.
Remember, my example is purely for my design. The Facebook strategy would work well for Generator types, for example, because you would have lots of things to respond to. Still, it would only work well if your Strategy and Authority gave you a clear ‘yes’.
When you use your Strategy & Authority in your business you will be guided towards the choices that are best for you at a level that is outside of the stories our minds tell us about correct or incorrect choices.
You will experience more positive feelings about the choices you are making. This can have a positive flow on effect in how you attract clients or customers and the financial rewards you experience!
If you are ready to really discover the magic of your Strategy and Authority in your business, a speedy but supportive way to begin is with the short course ‘Your Human Design Foundation’. It is only $22. Sign up and pay here
If you are ready to dive more deeply into harnessing your Human Design to bring greater recognition and success, one-to-one coaching sessions may be the answer.
Individual sessions are currently $145 for 90 min. Book here
Or you can go deeper with 3 sessions for $420. Book your first session here
If you would like discover more about how Human Design can support you and your business, book your free call here