I like to think of your profile as being like the persona you take with you through life. It’s not you but it does reflect some key attributes you have. But your profile does not provide the full story about the lines that you have in your chart.
All of your gates are written including a line number on the bodygraph (or they should be if it’s a good quality chart!). This might look something like 27.3 for example.
When I look at someone’s chart, I like to work out how many of each different line number they have. Why? Because this will also influence them through their life.
My profile is 1/3 but I have 12 Line 3s in my entire chart as opposed to only five Line 3s. These are still the top line energies I have in my design, but Line 1 is significantly more prominent. It is in no way surprising that the search for deep knowledge has been my number one driving force throughout my whole life.
Because the most dominant line energies in my chart are also in my profile, I have found it fairly easy to work with my profile persona. I struggled with the Line 3 (as it is more innate) but have been able to develop greater awareness of it over time.
That’s not always the case with everyone’s profile. I have come across many people who have another line that shows up more times in their gates than one of their profile lines. These people often have a much harder time connecting with both archetypes that make up their profiles.
In rarer examples there have been people who have another line that appears more than either of their profile lines. All of this can blur the lines with their ability to truly connect to their profile.
Remember that your profile is the most dominant line energy in your chart simply because it is connected to your Sun and Earth gates. These gates are the most powerful energies in your bodygraph, and your life! This is why they form your incarnation cross as well!
Really drill down into what your profile is all about, but also learn about other significant lines that you have in your design.
Go on a deep dive into your lines and profile (and the profiles of family and friends) through Your Human Design Foundations Course. This is a self-study program that provides knowledge and practical action steps to integrate the foundational pillars of Human Design into your life. It launches mid to late February for A$74. Let me know if you’d like more details.