Amazing Asteroids for Increasing Empowerment

1. Asteroid Hekate packs a powerful punch for feminine empowerment. Work with her and your HD gate when you are seeking a new direction.

2. Asteroid Kaali, named for a Hindu goddess, is connected to divine feminine power. Through this gate you can connect to creative power and kundalini energy.

3. Asteroid Vesta allows you to connect to your own inner divinity and to light your creative passions. The gate she is in shows an area of life that you feel passionate about.

When we layer the energy of significant asteroids over our Human Design, we expand the capacity we have to understand ourselves.

Significant asteroids, particularly ones associated through mythology to powerful archetypes, often have a dual role. They can bring into our awareness aspects of ourselves that may be deeply conditioned or shadowed. They can also help us to move forward in a more positive way.

Hekate, Kaali and Vesta, along with a number of other asteroids, bring into your design powerful feminine archetypal energy. Working with these goddesses and others can expand our awareness more quickly and allow us to release shadows that hold us back.

Hekate is one goddess asteroid I have personally worked with in meditation and healing sessions. She is positioned in my design in my Personality Sun gate. By connecting to her energy on a subconscious level, I was able to bring this gate into a higher energy quite quickly. 

Doing this has changed the way in which I see my purpose and the purpose of my business. The experience empowered me in a deep, life-changing way.

Although it is not always easy to know where the asteroids are positioned, Genetic Matrix has an abbreviated version accessible with a paid version or the Taraka software used by Kim Gould can be accessed with a paid subscription. These are great options if you are a HD specialist!

If you are wanting to find out about some of your significant asteroids and how they are influencing your design, why not book in for a Synergy HD Reading, an advanced, intuitive reading that will guide you into deeper connections with who you truly are. This is a 2 hour live reading for $250. You can book here

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