In a previous post I talked about the importance of knowing and aligning to the energy of your Personality Sun gate. You can read that post here
Your Personality Sun gate allows you to bring one of your strongest gifts into your business. Because this is energy that shines out from you, it can be a great attractor of the ‘right’ clients and customers for your business.
The gate that is in your Design Sun gate shows a deeper, more innate gift that you are here to bring out in your business.
This will be something that you find it more difficult to perceive as a true gift within you, and yet it is extremely powerful and can almost be a foundational aspect of your business.
My Design Sun gate is Gate 45 The Ruler (King or Queen). This gate sits in the Throat Centre so has a lot of energy for communication and for manifesting things into the world – creative power!
Whereas I found it easy to recognise the energy of my Personality Sun gate impacting myself and my business, I didn’t notice the more subtle way I was weaving Gate 45 into my business.
This gate gives me an ability to perceive how people can best use their resources – energy, time, money, systems etc. I can also use this on myself and my business, but it just seems to flow out of me when I look at how others can improve their businesses.
Originally, my business was all about working with individuals to empower them to live and work as their true selves! Yet, I was led time and again to help people in their business even though I was sure that it wasn’t what I was meant to be doing.
However, my authority kept saying ‘yes’ and without consciously planning for it, I found myself helping other businesses. (There are other parts of my chart that are about helping entrepreneurs, not just this gate – but it exerts a very strong energy!)
What is your Design Sun gate prompting you to bring into your business?
Are you harnessing this energy to make your business stronger and more profitable?
If you are ready to explore how your Human Design can make and impact in your business, why not book in for a ‘Your Next Step by Design’ coaching session?. Individual sessions are currently $145 for 90 min. Book here
Or you can go deeper with 3 sessions for $420. Book your first session here
If you would like discover more about how Human Design can support you and your business, book your free call here