Ways to Regulate Your Nervous System and Support HD Deconditioning

1. Doing diaphragmatic breathing helps to engage your parasympathetic nervous system – which allows you to reduce stress.

2. Getting out into nature and opening your senses to truly see and appreciate its beauty helps you to get out of your head.

3. Find some fun things to do that make you feel positive and enjoy a good laugh!

I have seen a lot of posts over the last little while talking about the need to regulate your nervous system. I agree with this 100%!

This should be part of our everyday self-care, regardless of how much or how little you know about your Human Design.

Doing things like focusing on your breathing and breathing very deeply into your diaphragm has an almost immediate impact on your parasympathetic nervous system. 

This system helps you to feel more positive and engaged with life. Basically, it counteracts an overstimulated nervous system. The beauty is – you don’t have to do it for long, you just have to do it consistently. Five minutes a day is all that is needed!

It’s not always possible to get out into nature but do it as often as you can. Or you can create a little bit of nature inside with natural, living plants inside your home. Spend some time really engaging your senses in appreciating nature.

Fun and laughter are great ways to reduce stress and boost your mood!

Why is regulating your nervous system even more important when you begin working with your Human Design? When we regulate our nervous system, we are training ourselves to get out of our heads and minds. This is something very important in HD which allows you to make aligned decisions!

When we are making aligned decisions we are beginning the true process of deconditioning back to our true selves!

Do you want to explore your Human Design further?  Your Human Design Foundations Course is a great place to start. This is a self-study program that provides knowledge and practical action steps to integrate the foundational pillars of Human Design into your life. It launches mid to late February for A$74. Let me know if you’d like more details.

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