Top Tips for Creating an Online Course

I love creating new programs and courses!

This is probably because of many years in the education sector, where everyday you need to think about how to lead students along a learning pathway.

For me, this is a natural way to look at learning!

However, I know that many people feel quite confused about where to start and where to finish – and all the bits in the middle.

It can be easy to think that finding the ‘perfect’ online learning platform is the way to go! That’s probably more about procrastination. We often procrastinate when we feel uncertain about what comes next.

My advice is to choose the bells and whistles last. Focus on what you want people to learn and how you’re going to get them there!

Here are the steps I follow when I put together a new learning program or course:

1. Get really clear about what you want your clients to learn.

Answer the questions: What result/s do I want them to have? What changes can they expect?

2. Consider where they are starting. 

Do they know anything about the topic? What do they know? What don’t they know? What assumptions are you making about their level of expertise?

It is really important to work out where your clients will end up and where they are starting from.

You are taking them on a journey. A journey has to start somewhere and end somewhere!

The hardest part of the process is what comes next:

3. What steps will lead your clients from the unknown to the known?

How do you actually create change in your clients? What information do they need to know?

What is the correct order – the best steps to take them through?

What kinds of activities, learning tasks and other resources will support their learning journey?

Often step 3 will require a little experimenting. This is where it is really helpful to have some clients who are happy to be beta testers. They are happy to pay a smaller amount so that you can test your ideas out. 

Try to find testers who are willing to give valuable feedback and are happy to share their results and perceptions. Make sure they are willing to commit 100% to your process. (In my experience there will always be one or two who don’t fully do this, but if they get some results then you know it’s going to work!)

Beta testing also allows you to begin to pull together learning materials and processes as you go.

Teaching others is a beautiful thing, but you do need a plan. The plan may change over time, but that’s ok. You don’t want to give people a chaotic experience! This creates frustration, not positive change.

Give it a go! There is nothing quite like the magic of taking someone on a change journey!

Are you thinking about creating your own course or group program? Are you feeling a bit lost about how to go about it? Why not jump on a free call and get clear about step 1 & 2? Book here

If you are ready to explore how your Human Design can make an impact in your business, why not book in for a ‘Your Next Step by Design’ coaching session?. Individual sessions are currently $145 for 90 min. Book here

If you’d like to see an example of a course I’ve designed, check out or

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