Communicating Through Your Mercury Gates

Communication in business is something that we all have to do!

It’s pretty important.

We communicate what we are selling.

We communicate our brand and its story.

We communicate pain points and solutions.

And so much more.

From my research and experimentation, I believe that aligning to the energy of both of your Mercury gates and their asteroids is really important.

In Roman Mythology, Jupiter was not only the god of communication but also of commerce and business.

There is a lot of energy here for you to access for your business.

Have a look at your Human Design Chart and see which gates are in Mercury (red and black list). If you’re not sure, the Mercury glyph looks like this: ☿

Look on the red side first. This is the Design side, which is about things that are more innate, unconscious and instinctive behaviours. This is the foundation for your Mercury gates.

Really get to know this gate (and its line) and spend time recognising how it appears in your life.

From there you can look at the Personality (black) Mercury gate. This one you will be more aware of.

Looking at both together, they will tell a little story about what things you can communicate.

For example, my Design gate is Gate 20.1. Gate 20 is about being in the moment – in Now and Line 1 is about gathering knowledge. My Personality gate is 59.5. This gate is about intimacy and creative energy (particularly embodied and sensual/sexual). Line 5 is about coming at solutions that have not been used before.

One story of what I’m here to communicate is a clear process the brings about greater intimacy with the people who are around us right now.

I could drill down and find several other stories that also come out of this gate. There I have a number of things to talk about that will connect to what my clients are seeking.

I could then go deeper again and see which asteroids are having an impact on my Mercury gates. How might they contribute to the stories I am here to communicate?

‘Ignite Your Financial Flow’ is an updated and expanded program which changes your energy and your perspective on finances. When you view yourself through your Human Design, you are able to create a fired up energy that attracts your true soul tribe and ignites them to work with you!

If you are ready to create change in yourself and your business drop me a message and let’s go!

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