How to Get Your Open Root Centre to Work for You in Business

The Root Centre is right at the bottom of the chart and can be a little tricky whether it’s defined (coloured) or open or undefined (white). 

Also, just a note, for ease, when I use the term open I am meaning any Root Centre that is coloured white, regardless of activated gates.

Why is this centre tricky? It has two major functions, while most centres only have one!

The different major functions are: pressure, motor and awareness.

The Root Centre is both a pressure centre and a motor centre. This means that there is pressure here that everyone feels to get things done, regardless of definition.

The motor function is felt consistently by those people who have the centre defined. This motor works in a pulsing fashion, so it is not consistently available to anyone!

This is because we all need a break! We are not energiser bunnies going on and on and on!

For someone (like me) with an open Root Centre, it can feel like I’m meant to be the energiser bunny. There will be this push to just do things. The way it makes me feel is that I need to get something done quickly and then I’ll feel relaxed and can rest! 

This is not the reality, though. As long as I’m in the aura of someone with a defined Root (which is around 60% of people), I will feel like I need to be busy! There is also a sense of stress about getting things done. You almost feel like you’ll be judged just for taking a break!

Remember that everyone feels the pressure of this centre, so even when I’m alone I might find myself getting caught up in ‘busy work’ as a way to try and release the pressure.

So, how can you maximise the open Root Centre in your business?

  1. Have a system to determine what is truly important for you to get done each day, week, month etc. I use checklists but there are many different options so explore what works best for you.
  2. Set yourself a challenge. Last year I watched how being involved in a challenge helped to keep my sister motivated and engaged as an artist. This year I have tried this for myself. I set myself a challenge to show up visibly for 100 days. It’s now about 3 weeks in and I am still going!
  3. Be gentle with yourself. Check in with yourself to see if you are allowing yourself to take breaks or do less than others. You get to decide what you really need to do, not the energy you’re taking in from others.
  4. Take some kind of action each day so you keep up a forward momentum. Sometimes you can feel so overwhelmed by the energy of others that you can just shut down. Pacing yourself is important – but not stopping!
  5. Celebrate being you! You get to explore how you want to manage tasks and stress. What other people do is not important. You figure out what truly feels correct to you.

Remember, no matter what you’ve got defined or open, you have a unique and beautiful design that is here to create magic!

‘Ignite Your Financial Flow’ is an updated and expanded program which changes your energy and your perspective on finances. When you view yourself through your Human Design, you are able to create a fired up energy that attracts your true soul tribe and ignites them to work with you!

If you are ready to create change in yourself and your business drop me a message and let’s go!

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