Top 3 Places to Discover Your Intuitive Gifts Using Human Design

Do you find yourself doubting your intuitive abilities?

Do you struggle to see yourself as intuitive or psychic?

You are definitely not alone!

This was my struggle for many years. I only really, deeply began to identify as intuitive when I discovered all of the many places my Human Design that revealed my many different intuitive gifts. Today I am discussing only a few of the places where these are revealed, starting with your Authority.

1. Your Human Design Authority is your most important intuitive gift

Your Human Design Authority is really the strongest intuitive gift you have!

This is because intuition comes to us through our bodies and our senses.

Your Authority shows you the right (or wrong) decisions for you through your body – whether that’s emotional, instinctual (Sacral and Splenic) or any other kind of Authority. Even outer Authorities ultimately give you a sense of what is correct through your body.

When you tune into your Authority, you are not only allowing yourself to make the decisions that are correct for you, but you are also embracing your intuition.

What is your Authority actually there for? It is the partner to your Strategy, which is the first part of your decision-making process. You first of all need some kind of input to then be able to make a decision. For example, I am a Projector. My Strategy is to wait for recognition and wait for invitations. When I follow my Strategy, input begins to flow towards me so I can make the right decision about it. Say I have someone reach out to me and ask me to give a talk about Human Design. This is my invitation which also requires that the person reaching out sees me (recognises) as an expert on Human Design.

At this point, I could leap right in and say ‘yes’! Logically, it sounds like it would be a good move in terms of building my profile as a Human Design expert and as a way to promote my business. The question is: does my Authority agree with my logic?

My Authority is Self-Projected, which can give me intuitive hits in different ways. I may get an immediate pull towards the invitation (or push). I may need to speak aloud about the decision – either by just speaking into space or speaking to another person, and seeing what the decision is. Or the answer could come in a few other ways, but I will also have this sense that it is correct or not for me.

That’s my intuition! It will override any ‘logic’ to direct me towards what is best for me. This can sometimes be even if I am ‘thinking’ something else!

2. Your Spleen, whether defined or undefined, is the centre of Intuition

The Spleen Centre, which is the triangle found on the left side of your bodygraph, is the centre within your body that most obviously uses intuition.

If this triangle is coloured in, it means that you will have consistent and reliable access to the intuition found in the Spleen. The type of intuition you experience will relate to the gates and/or channels you have in that centre. For example, you might have a gate that has the energy of knowingness, so this is how your intuition will turn up consistently!

If the triangle is not coloured in, it means that you are taking in energy from those who have this centre defined. There are more of the population with this defined than not, so it will be likely that when you are with a group of people at least one person will be sharing their Spleen energy with you. This will give you the potential to access intuition through this sharing. In other words, although you will not have a consistent sense of your intuitive gifts, when you are with others you will have an amplified version of thus energy.

You will have supercharged intuition!

Everyone has a Spleen Centre in their bodygraph, so everyone will have intuitive gifts and abilities from here.

3. Specific Gates and Channels reveal different types of intuition

The gates and the channels that are connected to the Spleen all have particular types of intuitive gifts connected to them. For example, Gate 57 is called the Gate of Intuition and its strongest intuitive or psychic gift is clairaudience.

Each of the seven gates in the Spleen has its own particular intuitive gift.

There are also seven channels that go from the Spleen to other centres including the Root, Sacral, G/ID, Will/Ego and Throat. Each of these channels also has intuitive energy.

Even though the Spleen is the most intuitive centre, there are many other gates and channels that also have psychic or intuitive abilities. For example, I have Gate 26 in the Will/Ego Centre. This gate points towards the Spleen, but I don’t have a channel going between the two centres.

Even so, I have a very keen intuitive ability around smell. I can smell when something is off or I can sniff out when someone is not being honest. Because this is in an undefined centre this ability can feel a little unreliable and is strengthened by being near other people and when different planetary transits are happening. I am also naturally drawn to essential oils and fragrant plants.


Every single one of you is intuitive – not just a little bit but a lot!

How can I say this? Every person has an Authority. Every person has a Spleen Centre. Every person has different gates, and for most people (Reflectors excepted) they also have at least one channel.

There are also lots of other different places where your intuitive gifts are revealed!

Human Design not only shows how all humans are intuitive, but it also shows why!

If this topic interests you, check out our latest podcast episode at or search for ‘The Synergy of Us’ on Spotify, Apple and other podcast platforms.

If you really want to find out about your specific intuitive gifts through Human Design, comment with ‘yes’ below or send me a message.

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