Things Your Profile Reveals About You

One aspect of Human Design that I truly love are the Profiles!

They really reveal a lot about each individual. Knowing the profiles as well as I do, means that I can often make accurate guesses about what profile differnt people have.

I sometimes play a guessing game about what profile a famous person has. I am typically correct! That is how much your profile reveals about the person you show out in the world.

What makes it so incredible? There are quite a few things including how you can best thrive, your best ways to learn and how you interact with others and the world.

1. Your Profile reveals how to thrive by living in alignment with your true self.

Your Profile reveals how you can truly thrive in your life by working in alignment with it.

What might that look like?

It could be someone who has a Line 3 as part of their profile embracing the trial-and-error process they go through and then bringing the results of their experiments to others to help them in some way.

It could be a Line 4 consciously building strong networks and seeing new ways to connect people within the network.

It could be a Line 1 being willing to step out and become a resource for others by talking about the topics they have a deep knowledge about.

These are just a few examples of ways in which knowing your Profile can lead you to live in harmony with it. In my experience, it takes only a few tweaks to create impactful change in your life. When you work in a positive way with both aspects of your profile – both of your Lines – you can really begin to thrive.

It is quite possible that you may struggle with accepting some aspect of your profile. In Human Design there is a focus on the polarity contained within all things, a concept that comes most strongly from the idea of yin and yang within the I Ching. You might hear or read something about your profile that you find triggering. I certainly felt this way when I read that Line 1s are selfish. The word selfish has a very negative connotation in our society – often to our detriment! I had to come to realise that this concept was based on the fact that a Line 1 needs to have the physical and mental space to be able to dive deeply into topics. There is selfishness within that but ultimately it leads to knowledge that can benefit all.

How can you embrace all aspects of your profile and learn from the things that trigger you?

2. Your Profile reveals the learning styles that work best for you energetically.

We are all here on this planet to learn. Sometimes this can be about formal learning and sometimes it can be just about exploring or observing the world. There are many different ways in which we are designed to take in information. Through your profile you can find two of your strongest ways of learning.

As I’ve mentioned a few times, my Profile is a 1/3 Investigator-Martyr. Both the Line 1 and the Line 3 are about learning about the world from the point of view of the self. This means that I need to do my learning in an individual way. I’m not meant to do it through interacting with or observing how others experience life.

I am meant to follow my own curiosity to delve deeply into topics that really interest me. A Line 1 is designed to take in information about a specific topic in a very detailed way. This is one of my learning styles – a deep investigation.

I am designed to learn through trial and error experiences. I’m meant to be curious and explore the answer to ‘what would happen if…?’

These two learning styles may seem to be quite different, but when they are combined in a 1/3 Profile they create a very dynamic way of learning.

You will have your own particular mix of ways of learning, depending on the mix of your profile. If you are a 2/4 Profile, you will learn by following things that naturally interest you and taking the time to become an expert with them. You will also learn by developing strong friendship connections with others – learning through these connections. It is through these connections that you will be able to make a difference for others.

Each profile is different. The way you express your learning through your profile will be different to someone else with the same profile. We are all here to learn and then to have an impact on others through our aligned learning.

3. Your Profile reveals how you are designed to interact with others and with life.

Your Profile tells you a lot about how you are designed to interact with others and the world around you.

This can be a real gift!

Let me give you an example from my life. The 1/3 Investigator-Martyr profile has a focus on the individual. This means that you are only designed to interact in situations where you are passing on your wisdom or learned experiences. It does not have a focus on making connections and being a part of teams.

When I started my business, my first coaches told me that I needed to get out there and network! I needed to join groups – in person or online. I needed to learn my elevator pitch so I could tell people quickly what my business was about!

Just the thought of doing that made me feel ill! I felt like a failure because it just didn’t work for me. (Being a Projector probably didn’t help, either!)

My profile showed me that trying to make connections with people in this way just wasn’t right for me.

When I embraced my own individuality and way of interacting, I experienced a more natural flow. Things didn’t feel forced or fake. And best of all, I get to decide when and how I connect with others. Sometimes it is in small gatherings, but often it is not – and that’s ok!


Understanding and aligning with your profile can really help you to see and accept yourself as you truly are . You will be able to see which things are correct for you and which just aren’t. When you align with your profile, you will feel more in harmony and you will then be in a better position to make changes in your world and in the lives of others.

If you are interested in finding out what your profile is all about, the next round of ‘Your Human Design Foundations Live’, begins on April 27. Applications are closing soon. You can apply here

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