Ways to Help Your Child Live their Human Design

Human Design is a system that allows us to know who we are as a unique individual. 

It also allows our children to know who they uniquely are.

Everyone is open to conditioning, but the sooner we learn about our Strategy and Authority, the more quickly we can be in alignment.

If we teach our children about their Human Design, we are setting them up to know how to deal with their own energy and the energy of others in a more empowered way. They can start to live out their design without unconsciously taking on conditioning.

This is truly a gift we can give children!

It all starts with us, though. We need to be an example of how to live our own designs before we can help our children to live theirs.

1. Know and live your design (and know how it impacts your child’s design).

To help a child live their Human Design, you first need to ensure that you are living your own.

You need to know your own design because this impacts on how you interact with your child. 

We have a tendency to treat our children based on our own energy signatures, when we aren’t living our own design (or aware of what our design is).

This is probably the way you were raised.

I know that’s the case for me. My parents were both Generator types and they raised my sister and I to believe that this was the ‘right’ energy to be – at an unconscious level, of course!

This was not the case – we are both Projectors.

It has taken us quite a lot of time to both begin to release years of conditioning and live as who we are authentically. This is part of our journey, of course.

Everyone wants the best for the children in their life – whether they are parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or teachers. But we don’t always know what that truly is until we know our own design and the design of the children in our lives.

The place to start with helping your child to live their Human Design, is to live in alignment with your own AND to understand how your energy impacts on your

2. Talk to your child about their Type aura and how it interacts  with others.

To help your child with living their Human Design, it is important that they understand how their Type works.

This really begins with understanding their own energetic aura and how it interacts with others.

Each different Type has a different energy, which can have an impact on how your child is received by others.

For example, a Manifestor energy can feel a little closed to those around them, while Generator types have an energy that is more likely to attract people to it. How to deal with these different energies can be really important for children.

I am a Projector with a penetrating and focused aura. As a child it would have been really helpful to understand this. To have been told how this interacted with others could have helped me to understand why I often felt rejected by others.

Of course, understanding your Type and aura leads to understanding the Strategy that connects with that.

3. Help your child to use their Strategy and Authority when making decisions.

One of the areas in which we can condition children to be other than themselves is with their Strategy and Authority. This is their decision-making process.

But children are often not allowed to make decisions in the correct way for them.

Once your child understands their Type and the energetic aura associated with it, the next step is to help them to understand how their Strategy works. It is also about giving them a chance to recognise and use their Strategy.

For example, if your child is a Generator or Manifesting Generator you can give them opportunities to experience the Sacral response – the binary yes/no. This could look like asking them yes/no questions so they can make simple decisions around things like food and activities.

Their Authority is your child’s internal decision-making process. It is this that we can easily shut down if we are unaware. There are eight different Authorities, so it is important to know what your child’s particular Authority is and how it works for them.

It is also important to remember that you are still the parent, so you are here to guide your child in how to make decisions. You still need to put in boundaries around the things that they do. You will just be doing this from the perspective of your child’s Type, Strategy and Authority.


From its beginnings, Human Design has been intended for children.

Basically, the sooner you discover Human Design (or help your child discover it) and begin living it, the less conditioning we need to deal with and the more we live our life in alignment.

If you would like more information about how to connect your child to their Human Design, consider getting a Child’s Human Design Reading. This is a one hour reading to help you to understand your child and to receive some strategies around supporting your child. These are for children aged 2 to 12. Contact me for more details!

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