Human Design is not just a useful tool for understanding yourself on a really deep level, it can also help you to understand others in the same way.

Even if you don’t know someone else’s design, always keep in mind that they are a unique individual just like you. Just like you, they will have been conditioned in some aspects of their design to believe they are other than they are. Just like you, there will be areas of their chart where they are living in Not-Self energy. Knowing these things can help us to begin towards acceptance rather than judgement.

The people we often judge the most, even unconsciously, are those who are closest to us. It can be very impactful on your relationship if you can see them more clearly, through their design.

This brings many benefits, including the ones I’ll be talking about in detail.

1. You can communicate better by knowing how those closest to you make decisions.

Human Design is great for helping you to understand yourself. 

It also gives you the opportunity to know those around you better.

Imagine knowing that your partner is a Generator or a Manifesting Generator.

How could this change things for you and for your partner?

If you wanted them to make a decision, you would know that the best way to support them would be by asking yes/no questions.

A Generator or Manifesting Generator needs something to respond to – and it needs to be something that is binary – yes or no. They really cannot make clear decisions with open-ended questions.

What about with friendships? If you knew one of your friends was a Projector, you would understand why sometimes they would decide not to go out with you. It would also make sense why they might appear to be lazy or not getting things done around the home. You could also be aware how important it is for them to be recognised for their unique wisdom and invited to share it. If they weren’t aware of how to work in alignment with their energy, you could give them some prompts – “You always have some great wisdom, what do you think about….?”

How about in the workplace? If you knew your boss was a Manifestor it would help you to understand why they had such a massive and impactful energy that seemed to create change out of nothing! But it would also explain why you would often feel totally confused about how suddenly change could happen.

One minute you would be focusing in one direction, and seemingly overnight that would just change! A Manifestor (particularly when operating outside of their design) sees no need to let anyone know what they are up to!

You would know to expect the unexpected, but you could also encourage your boss to inform everyone before change was implemented.

Knowing someone’s design allows us the space to help them work within their energy, even if they don’t know anything about Human Design. One of the key ways we can do this is by suiting our communication to their design. This may mean that sometimes we need to get out of our own comfort zone to support someone else in being able to truly see which decisions are correct for them.

2. You can see the people in your life for who they truly are.

Let’s face it, we are often critical of the people in our lives. We mutter about why they did that particular thing or said something that was quite hurtful or failed to let us know something.

One of the true treasures I have found in my life was my Human Design. It allowed me to re-calibrate the view I had of myself through layers of conditioning and wounding.

When you know the design of someone close to you, you have the same opportunity again – to see through the lens of their true potential.

For many years I have had an uneasy relationship with my father. At times I have felt quite close to him, while at others we have been quite distant. I often joke with my sister about her being the favoured child! But there is some belief coming from deep-seated wounding, that it is the case.

When I discovered that he was a 2/4 Emotional Generator with two emotional waves, I began to see him and his actions from a different perspective. Basically, we were also entirely the opposite when it came to our undefined centres – everywhere he is defined I am open and vice versa. There is only one hanging gate that makes a connection between us, although we have many gates the same. We also have the same incarnation cross. 

When I look at our two charts, I see why our relationship has been rocky at times and why sometimes it has been more harmonious. It’s all there in our designs!

Has Human Design healed all the wounds – no! But I now have a healthier way of communicating with my father. I know that I need to ask him yes/no questions. I know that I need to give him time to make a decision, particularly with two quite different waves!

Knowing my father’s design has helped me to step away from a lot of the victim perspective that I have held around our relationship.

3. You enter into relationships as your authentic self, allowing others to really get to know you.

For me, the most important way that Human Design has improved my relationships is because I am now coming from a place of alignment. I know who I am and, even though it is still a work in progress, I am more and more living by my mantra of ‘I am who I am’. With a defined G Centre and a Self-Projected Authority, I am not here to be anyone other than me!

I have now spent several years going very deep into my design and experimenting with what it all means. That’s my 1/3 Profile in action. I now embrace that process and bring it into every aspect of my life – personal, work and business. That has created incredible change in recognition and invitations because I am now allowing people to see more and more of my authentic self – as I discover that for myself. 

Where I used to try and hide or disguise my ‘failures’, feeling ashamed of them, I now embrace them and use them as a learning point for me and for others. 

This is an area of my life that has a lot of wounding – and I still have times where my knee-jerk reaction wants to come into the situation – but I am learning how to move past this.

I could give you many more examples from my life, where knowing my design has allowed me to embrace who I am here to be!

I know that the way I relate to people has gone through a huge evolution since I came to know, learn and live my design.

I think it has also allowed me to be seen by the people who are meant to be part of my life, and whose lives I am meant to be part of.

That is a great feeling!


If you don’t yet have charts for those people who you spend the most time with, consider getting them.

I know it can sometimes be tricky to find out people’s birth details, but this could be a chance to explain your own experience with Human Design and to talk about how it might help them too.

It is definitely worth taking the time to know their designs and how you each interact and impact on the other.

If you are interested in going deeper into Human Design then I would invite you to join the Living By Your Human Design group.

Or check this link for other ways to connect with me.

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