Manifestors are one of the rarer Human Design types being represented in only about 9% of the population.

Even though they are rare, they have an important role to play in the way in which all the types are codependent on each other. It is important to remember that each type is here to do something important and we all work better when we are our authentic selves.

There are a number of key things to understand about Manifestors, three of which I will be covering here. Although these things are important and will help you to understand this type, it is by no means the complete picture!

1. Manifestor Strategy: inform. Reduce the roadblocks from others.

Manifestors are here to get things started, after receiving an internal signal that it is time to go!

They are great at doing this particularly if they are fully aligned to their design!

Wounded Manifestors may get caught up in mind chatter, or the opinions of others. This stops them from bringing their natural ability for doing into reality.

What Manifestors are not good at is informing! In fact, for a Manifestor this seems to be totally against their nature.

Why do they need to inform, anyway?

This goes back to the fact that all types have a strategy that suits their particular design.

A Manifestor’s aura is closed off to others, so people really can’t sense what they are about to do. When a Manifestor brings something through into the world it can sometimes feel quite shocking and/or confronting to those people who are a part of their life in some way.

Imagine if you worked for a Manifestor boss. It is going to be quite unsettling to go into work one day and all of the sudden have your boss wanting you to do something totally different so you can support them in bringing their new vision into reality.

Imagine how unsettling it would feel if this happened over and over again.

You would at least feel quite unsettled by this. At worst, you might feel so stressed by the constant uncertainty that you would decide to hunt for a new job!

The Manifestor Strategy of informing is essentially there for others.

A Manifestor knows what they want to do and how they want to do it but if they don’t inform others before creating change they will face great resistance or even rebellion from those around them.

If a Manifestor is going to feel peace in their life, they need to ensure those around them know what they are up to. This is not about asking permission, though. This is about giving someone information ahead of time so they will be more supportive of the Manifestor.

2. Manifestor Aura: feels closed and impactful. This quality is about self-preservation.

Let’s talk a little about the Manifestor aura.

When I first started to study Human Design, the Manifestor aura was described as closed and repelling. On reading that, I thought to myself “Thank goodness my aura is not like that. The Projector one is challenging enough.”

As I began to study more and work with Manifestors, I realised that their aura actually works a bit like a protective coat. A Manifestor has no defined Sacral Centre, giving consistent life force or workforce energy. Although they have a motor connection going to their Throat (which is the aspect of their design that allows them to initiate action into the world), they are often fairly open in their designs.

Having a closed aura helps them to resist some of the energy coming from other types. This makes them less susceptible to being swayed by the auras of others. It is almost like there is a cloak that wards off the impact of others.

A Manifestor needs to focus on what they know within themselves. If they had a more open aura they would be constantly bombarded by the energetic impact from others’ auras. This would result in them not being able to truly initiate from within.

Whether it is called repelling or impactful, the second attribute has a similar impact on others. Remember that Manifestors are here to be the spark that sets all of the types into appropriate action. Their aura allows them to have a very blinkered approach, where they are not in need of the opinions and thoughts of others. Their aura is impactful, though, because everyone needs to be aware of and watching Manifestors.

It is not unusual for everyone in a room to be very aware of a Manifestor, and to notice when their impactful aura has arrived or left the room.

3. Manifestor Themes: Peace and Anger. These are your alignment signposts.

Manifestors are designed to live a life of peace.

What does this actually mean?

When a Manifestor has learnt to inform others of their plans and decisions, they will find that there will be less friction and resistance.

This will result in a Manifestor being able to do what they are here to do.

When they are able to initiate things into being and be the spark that sets things in motion, they will feel a deep sense of peace, a sense of rightness about their life.

They won’t feel as though people are trying to control them or manage them or suppress them.. Instead they will experience the freedom that we all desire – to be themselves and for that to be ok. That is the peace Manifestors seek.

On the other hand, if a Manifestor is not informing others or if they are feeling controlled and unable to act in the ways they know they need to, they will experience a very deep well of anger. This anger has often accumulated over many years, starting in childhood.

Remember that the themes of each type act as signposts.

When you are experiencing the more positive feeling, this is a signpost that you are aligning with your energy and using your strategy.

When you are experiencing the Not-Self emotion, this is a sign that you have made some choices that are out of alignment with your type. In the case of the Manifestor, when they feel anger this is showing that they have not been informing others and they are feeling constricted in some way by those around them.

The anger is their signpost and reminder to keep following their strategy. 


If you are a Manifestor, embrace your uniqueness and just be you! But remember to let people know what you are up to – even if that feels uncomfortable. You’re not asking for advice, you are just expressing your decision.

If you are supporting a Manifestor, give them space to bring forth their creations but encourage them to inform you of what they are up to. One way to do this is by setting a positive example by informing them of what you are up to. Positive communication is a two way street, after all!

If you are interested in going deeper into Human Design then I would invite you to join the Living By Your Human Design group.

If you are new to Human Design, check out the free masterclass What is Human Design?

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