Projectors make up about 20% of the population and are the newest of all the types.

This still means that they are a few hundred years old, but they are still babies in terms of the existence of their type.

Projectors came into existence to support humans in their personal and collective evolution. They have a distinctly different purpose to the other types. They have a different way they are meant to live their life that is in opposition to the way that people are expected to live.

What makes a Projector so different?

There are many things, but three that are distinct are their strategy, their aura and their themes of bitterness and success.

1. Projector Strategy: wait for recognition and an invitation before giving your wisdom.

The Projector strategy is to wait for recognition (or receive recognition) and wait for an invitation. This can feel very restricting as a Projector hearing this for the first time.

Projectors I work with have two common questions:

1. Why do I have to wait? (usually asked with an undertone of bitterness)

2. What is an invitation?

These were probably my first two questions as I attempted to come to terms with what it meant to be a Projector.

It took me a while to realise that it’s not the invitation or recognition that is most important – it is the waiting.

What are you doing while you are waiting?

How are you growing your wisdom?

Are you diving into things that fascinate you?

Are you embracing life and having fun?

When Projectors just focus on being themselves and not trying to force their energy on to others, they become recognised, they become invited, they become magnetic!

2. Projector Aura: penetrating and focused – understanding others at a deep level.

The Projector aura is described as being penetrating and focused. This is both how it feels to others and how it helps Projectors to become wise.

The aura of a Projector is designed for them to be able to see deeply into the essence of another person. This is focused on one person. Unlike a Generator aura, which is able to focus on many, including themselves, a Projector aura is not designed to be like that.

Projectors have been designed to provide deep wisdom to another person because they can understand the other person and their struggles through their penetrating aura.

The Projector aura is the reason why they need invitations. If a Projector is seeing deeply into another person using their aura it can feel quite uncomfortable. If it is unexpected or uninvited it can feel like an energetic invasion. The response from the other person is resistance and rejection.

When someone issues a Projector with an invitation for them to guide them, they are accepting the energy of their aura and there is no resistance.

Even though I’m a Projector, I have experienced this same thing with other Projectors when they have been trying to guide me with their wisdom when it is unsought and unwanted! I will respond to them either by rejecting them or getting angry at them. (Often with a little time and space their wisdom will sink in and I’ll see some of the value in their words.)

Projectors wait for an invitation so others will welcome your wisdom in!

3. Projector Themes: Bitterness and Success. These are your alignment signposts.

Projectors are designed to experience success, whatever success means to them.

True success comes from alignment. Alignment results from the ongoing application of strategy and authority to decisions.

When Projectors are operating outside of their true alignment, they live their life from a place of bitterness. Bitterness is not nice! It is repelling to others and keeps a Projector trapped in victimhood.

Bitterness is something most Projectors have worn as a protective cloak for much of their lives. They have experienced rejection and invisibility over and over again. Each rejection, each time they are unseen by others, adds another layer of bitterness.

You can often identify a Projector living out of alignment. They’ll be the ones saying things like, “It’s not fair! Why did they succeed and I didn’t?” or “Why does that always happen to me?” or “Why does nobody ever listen to me?”

Bitterness is a signpost to a Projector that they are not working with their aura, and they are not using their strategy and authority. 

As you work with these things, a Projector begins to be recognised and invited, becoming more and more magnetic the more they become aligned.


Projectors need to learn to live their life their way, free from the expectations of a society with the view that only hard work is of value. The wisdom that Projectors can provide is far more valuable to people than they expect.

However, those who have been on the end of their invited wisdom have a life that has changed for the better!

If you are interested in going deeper into Human Design then I would invite you to join the Living By Your Human Design group.

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