How can you connect to your Authority or why would you want to?

Your Authority is one of the cornerstones for aligning to your Human Design.

It helps you to make decisions that you can trust.

It allows you to be empowered to be your own authority.

Connecting with your authority can be life changing.

So, how do you do it?

1. Know how your Authority is meant to work.

The first step in connecting with your authority (and using it as a reliable decision-making tool) is to gain knowledge about it.

Do you know how your authority is meant to work?

For example, if you have an Emotional Authority, do you know if it’s individual, tribal or collective and how the wave works?

If it’s Sacral, do you know how to know your yeses and nos?

Gaining some knowledge is the place to start with connecting to your authority.

But, I would also say, use that information as a basis for understanding your authority. Once you start to work with your authority you may find that certain things that are described don’t entirely resonate.

This was certainly the case for me with my Self-Projected Authority. This is one of the less common authorities, only found in Projectors and about 2% of the population.

When I first received my Human Design I read a lot of the stock standard descriptions of the Self-Projected Authority and a lot of it didn’t resonate.

I thought it was just because I was such a newbie and was doing something ‘wrong’. As I got deeper into my HD experiment I realised that at certain turning points in my life I had just known what was the thing I had to do next. I didn’t need a sounding board. My G Centre (the centre of my authority) just led me forward in the correct direction.

This is why Human Design is your experiment. Don’t rely on others to describe your experience!

2. Connect to your Authority and learn what it feels like in your body.

After getting familiar with the knowledge piece about your authority, the next part is really about discovering how it feels in your body.

This could be a sensation, a knowing, a sense of yes or no, a feeling that something is correct for you.

There are many different ways your authority will resonate within your body.

I know for both Mental/Environmental Authority and Lunar Authority your authority is seen as being external rather than internal as all of the others are. Obviously, I don’t have one of those authorities but after hearing both Mental Projectors and Reflectors talk about their authority there seems to be a point of knowingness that you arrive at. This may change from experience to experience, but you will arrive at a point of unexplainable knowingness about your decision. (If this has not been your experience as a Mental Projector or Reflector, I’d love to hear what your experience has been as I am continually striving to understand this more and more.)

With my experiment into connecting more deeply with my authority, I brought into my daily practice a short silent meditation I would do each morning where I would basically ‘chat’ with my G Centre. Through doing this I have become very familiar with what my authority truly feels like.

This may not work for you with your different authority, or it may.

Find some way to feel connected to your authority on a regular basis.

If you don’t know what it feels like in your body, your Mind or other centres will try to override your authority.

Treat your authority like an old friend – because it is!

3. Have a go. Learn about your Authority by using it on minor decisions.

Once you have learnt what you can about your authority and have spent time getting to know what it feels like in your body it is time to build your trust in it.

The thing you really want to recognise is a ‘yes’. Some authorities will tend to work more on sensations that give this feedback, others may have very clear ‘no’ sensations as well.

My authority, Self-Projected, tends to have a clear ‘yes’ feeling, but the ‘no’ may not be quite as obvious. Sometimes if I feel no response in my body. It’s a ‘no’. At other times I will get a very strong push away from something. It varies.

This is what having a go will give you. A much clearer sense of the way your authority communicates with you.

It is best to do your experiment with fairly minor decisions – things related to food or daily activities. I spent a couple of months doing this. After I had done my morning meditation to connect to my authority, I would run through some different options for things to do that day and notice the response. If it had to do with food, I would check in with food I was buying or choices between different things I might eat for a meal or a snack.

Think of this as being like exercise. The more you do it, the stronger you become. With your authority, the more you connect the stronger your trust.


Want to make better decisions?

Get connected to your authority!

If you are interested in going deeper into Human Design then I would invite you to join the Living By Your Human Design group.

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