The four profiles that have a Line 1 as part of them (1/3, 1/4, 4/1 or 5/1) all have Investigator energy. What does that mean?

It means you are here to investigate things that interest you or are important to you.

All of the LIne 1 profiles will be drawn to knowledge.

Perhaps they have even spent most of their lives as a learner.

Line 1s can hold a lot of knowledge about a lot of different topics, if that’s what they choose. Or they may choose to become the absolute master of one particular knowledge area.

No matter how they choose to embrace their Investigator persona, they will love information.

This is the key to this line.

1. Line 1s need to have a foundation of information so they can feel safe and secure.

For a Line 1 Investigator information is key.

We seek out information. We love information!

But information and knowledge can become an achilles heel as well.

Line 1s can find themselves getting caught in an information cycle.

It works a bit like this.

You are needing to find out some information so you dive right in.

The reason you were investigating was to feel certainty about something in your life – your next step.

This is where a Line 1 can end up becoming stuck.

How much information is needed to feel safe and secure?

This is the question a Line 1 will grapple with.

Often there will be this feeling that you still don’t know enough! This will even be when you know more about a topic than anyone else – except maybe a professor!

This is really where Line 1s need to use their Strategy and Authority.

But also be realistic.

You don’t have to know every last detail to have enough information.

Consider whether you really need more information to feel secure in that knowledge.

Because, ultimately all Line 1s have another line that needs some attention.

2. Investigating and learning is important before making a big change.

Line 1s need to investigate and learn before they make a big change.

That’s a good thing for them

Remember that knowledge is ‘safety’ for a Line 1.

Let me give you a personal example. My profile is a 1/3 Investigator Martyr. The Martyr is all about experiencing life, experimenting with what works and what doesn’t; experiential learning. Often there is the energy within me pushing me to experiment.

If I jumped into an experiment or experience without learning as much as I could about it, I would feel very out of balance. It is also likely that the trial and error would be mostly error!

This is where Line 1s need to be careful.

It is easy to feel almost fearful of creating any change in your life without spending a huge amount of time researching all the possibilities of the action.

The fact is – we’re not meant to know everything. We are not meant to control everything.

Line 1s need to trust themselves enough to say, “I know enough,” and step out into the other ‘identity’ you have as part of your profile.

Too often Line 1s will remain hidden away learning more and more but never leaving their library and never embracing all that they can be.

Trust your Strategy and Authority to know when it is time to bring the next step into your life.

3. Line 1s are here to be a knowledgeable resource for others as they have a deep well of understanding in areas of their focus.

Each of the different profile lines have a purpose.

Line 1 is here to be a deeply knowledgeable resource for others. They are meant to disseminate their knowledge for the good of others.

This can sometimes be forgotten.

Line 1s love information so much that they just delve into it for its own sake.

No other profile can take on the depth of knowledge that a Line 1 can.

If they are designed to be this amazing receptacle of knowledge, it makes sense that they are here to do something with that!

My experience as a Line 1 (and a Projector) is that people will recognise the deep knowledge you have about certain subjects. When they need to access some of that knowledge they will come to you.

Be ready to share!

Sharing information can take many forms – spoken, written, visual, kinesthetic and so on. You don’t need to teach to pass it on, but it may be correct for you to do that.

Find your correct way (using your Strategy & Authority) to pass on your knowledge.


Line 1s need to embrace who they are meant to be!

Don’t hide from your knowledge seeking. Embrace it! Dive in!

Become an expert.

Then share your expertise.

If you are interested in going deeper into Human Design then I would invite you to join the Living By Your Human Design group.

Or check this link for other ways to connect with me.

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