Line 3s are here to be truly experiential learners.

You will be changed by what you learn through your experiences.

Of course, this means that a Line 3 has to willingly step into life.

You cannot hide away and hope you never make a mistake.

1. Life can often feel quite messy for a Line 3.

If you sometimes feel as though life is messy, this is just the way it goes for a Line 3.

Remember that you are here to jump into life and explore how it works and what you can learn that makes life better.

This requires a Line 3 to be actively engaged and exploring how things work for you.

Exploring and experimenting naturally leads to times when things don’t go the way you expect.

When things go in unexpected directions this can feel messy. It can feel like you just don’t have your shit together! Maybe others actually tell you that’s the case.

Learn to ignore the judgement – from you and others.

The true magic of a Line 3 only happens when you are just trying this or that thing out.

That has been my way of truly finding out about life.

When I was young that was attributed to youth. That’s not really where it comes from.

Line 3s are here to embody their living in a way that no other profile line does.

So, accept the mess. Embrace the mess. See the beauty in the mess.

2. Line 3s are here to focus on themselves and their experiences of life first.

Line 3s are part of the lower trigram of the hexagram. In other words they are in the lower half of the hexagram of six lines. This is what the profile is created from – the different lines of the hexagram that refine the energy of each gate. (If you want to find out more, join in the next round of Your Human Design Foundations.)

These lower 3 lines have a focus of turning within the person for learning.

This is what a Line 3 needs to focus on as they do their trial-and-error process – what they are learning, how things are impacting them and how things can be improved for them.

When that understanding is gathered, then a Line 3 is ready to share their wisdom and their learnings with others.

They will understand how things work from a deeply personal perspective.

3. Hiding away and trying to avoid any chance of failure is not a positive choice.

Remember Line 3s that you are meant to go through ‘failures’.

Things are not always going to work in your favour as you really step deeply into the experience of life.

You bring your own special brand of magic when you continue to show up in life.

Life can feel messy and disorganised and scattered. Depending on the other line you are paired with, there may be a pull to try and avoid any chance of failure.

This is certainly the case with my other line, the Line 1. It loves to have a sense of stability and solidness. You just don’t get that when you have a Line 3!

I was conditioned as a child to believe that ‘failure’ was something to be avoided, so I tried to do that consciously. But, Line 3 was always going to keep on trying to drop me back in life.

When you change your perception around the Line 3 process and see it as something empowering and view ‘mistakes’ as opportunities for growth and learning, you can step into the magical energy of the Line 3.


Line 3s enjoy having that energy.

No matter how careful you are or how much you try to control or hide from life, the trial-and-error process will find you.

I know this for a fact – having tried to do both of these things.

The best thing for a Line 3 to remember is that you learn more about yourself and life when you embrace your true energy!

Go with the flow and see where it leads you.

If you are new to Human Design, check out the free masterclass What is Human Design?

If you are ready to go deeper into your design, Your Human Design Foundations is starting soon! Complete the Expression of Interest form here.

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