Why is it so powerful to use your Strategy and Authority?

This is the means through which you are able to become a confident decision-maker and live as your own authority.

Your Strategy and Authority, when you connect with them and use them every day, empower you to discover your own uniqueness.

There are many reasons why this is the case.

1. Your Strategy allows you to connect correctly with your aura and energise opportunities to come to you.

When you use your Strategy, you will be working with your aura and your energy. This makes you more magnetic to others. It brings you more opportunities to make a decision about.

Basically you begin to become more aligned.

Something that is often said and written in Human Design is that your Strategy and your Authority are all you need to follow to decondition.

I would agree with that.

I have worked with lots of different aspects of my design, but the framework that I use to do this is always my Strategy and Authority. The strategy is the starting point. It is so important that we have Not-Self themes that arise when we are not using this correctly.

Your Not-Self Theme (in my case, Bitterness) acts as your guidepost to deconditioning and alignment. In particular, it is flashing the red signal to say, “Hey, you’ve forgotten about your Strategy. Remember, this is about using your aura correctly.”

Would we be able to make changes if we didn’t have this signal to let us know what needs to change? Probably not.

I know that my Bitterness and my Success have helped me to have a better understanding of my Strategy.

2. Your Authority is a way to become more deeply embodied and aligned to your energetic self.

We are meant to use our innate body wisdom to make decisions. Our Authority is a way that we have been designed to essentially ‘know’ what our body is saying.

We are not designed to use our Mind for decisions-making. Our Minds are too easily influenced and manipulated. This is a big part of the training that I have done as a master coach is to understand how our Minds can mislead us. Our Minds want to be the boss!

Our Minds are not reliable because of this. I believe because we have part of our Soul’s essence within us in the G Centre, it guides our bodies in making truly correct decisions.

This is powerful stuff, when we can get out of our Minds and truly connect to our body.

We become embodied learners. Our Authority guides up to align to our energetic blueprint.

The relationship with our Authority is something that gets stronger the more we use it. This means that it can be easier to recognise the voice of our Mind trying to be the boss.

When we get out of our heads and into our bodies, we begin to make decisions we can truly trust and are for our highest good.

3. When your Strategy and Authority work together, this allows you to align to your own unique design.

There is true magic when our Strategy and Authority (S & A) come together as we make decisions.

The more you use your Strategy & Authority, the stronger this response will become.

Every part of your design is meant to be utilised using your S & A.

What’s the best way to understand the energy of your Conscious Sun Gate? Use your S & A.

What’s the best way to tap into your incarnation cross? Use your S & A.

When will you know the best time to act? Use your S & A.

Hopefully, you get the idea!

Your S & A is your true guide. It allows you to be your own authority. You can make choices and decisions with confidence.

You will notice a shift in your energy as you feel more and more like your authentic self.

Is it easy? Not always and definitely not at first.

Is it worth it? YES! 

The best thing you can learn and experiment with is your Strategy and Authority.


If the only thing you learn about yourself through Human Design is your Strategy and Authority, you are on the way to creating impactful change in your life.

This is the most powerful part of your entire design because it is the lynch-pin to working with your entire design.

If you are not connected to your Strategy and Authority, you will find it very difficult to move beyond a knowledge-based perspective on your design.

When you are connected, all aspects of your design are accessible.

If you are new to Human Design, check out the free masterclass What is Human Design?

If you are ready to go deeper into your design, and begin to experiment with your own Strategy and Authority, Your Human Design Foundations is starting soon! Complete the Expression of Interest form here.

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