Understanding the planets and asteroids influencing your design is a deeper level of Human Design. It can be the lynch-pin to creating impactful change in yourself and in your business.

The planets and asteroids expand on our understanding of each of our gates. This can then help us to create change in ourselves.

Here are three things to know about working with the planets and asteroids.

1. Each planet adds a different energy to the gate that is connected to it.

Each planet has its own themes and energy that it brings to the gate connected to it.

When you consider the mythology behind them, you can really see how the planets contribute to who you are.

Often in Human Design, we look at the planets from a very basic perspective.

For example, Mercury is always viewed as being about communication. How we communicate, what we communicate and any blocks to communication can be considered.

If we look at the mythology of Mercury, we discover that there is a lot more to this god. In fact, the Greek god Hermes (who is Mercury’s equivalent) has a lot more energy around communication and the delivery of messages.

Mercury is not Hermes and has other things that he was the god of, including merchants and businesses, particularly to do with finances. (If you’d like to find out more about this check out an article I wrote recently about Mercury https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7095161843245056000)

2. Knowing about the planets can help you to understand patterns that repeat in your life.

Looking at the combination of planets and gates, you can often see shadow energies that might be repeating in your life.

For example, Saturn is very much about this. It plays a role in helping you to push out into the world rather than staying stuck. Knowing which gate Saturn is in can help to see what lessons this planet might be here to teach you.

Remember, we always have a choice. Even when Saturn feels like it’s sticking its dagger in your back to get you moving, you can choose to just keep that dagger in place and live through the same repeating pain points over and over. Hopefully, at some point the discomfort will become too great and you’ll decide to create some forward momentum in your life.

Looking at the planet Saturn and the gate/s it is in can help reveal what we sometimes stubbornly ignore about our life. When things are illuminated for us, it allows us to begin the process of healing and transforming ourselves.

3. Connecting the planets and asteroids in each gate gives a greater depth of understanding to your design.

The planets contribute a lot of depth to our understanding of our design, but sometimes we can still find ourselves being stuck in life.

This is where the asteroids (and other astronomical bodies in the Solar System) can give extra information that can help us to move forward.

Looking at your Personality/Conscious Sun gate, which has a very big energy in our design; a very important energy, we can see how we are meant to shine out in the world. But what happens if we’re not shining?

My Personality Sun is in Gate 47 – the gate of Realisation which is in the Ajna. This gate is about your mindset and your ability to see new possibilities in old problems. This gate is about bringing about powerful transformations in others.

Even when I worked through my conditioning in this gate, things still seemed to be stuck.

When I finally discovered that the asteroids Persephone and Hekate were in Gate 47, it showed me a new way to understand why sometimes it felt like I was not shining brightly and I was not always seen for the special magic of Gate 47. Both of these asteroids have some very challenging energy. Working with that has been very revelatory!


Always remember that your Human Design is your personal blueprint and roadmap. It can guide you in many different areas of your life to see specifically how you can create transformation and empowerment. This does require a willingness to do some work on yourself, but the results can be remarkable!

If you want to go deeper into these things, I would invite you to book in for a HD Planetary Reading. Dive into how the planets shape the energy of your gates and channels. Discover how the asteroids can contribute to your expansion and transformation.

Coming Soon! A new 5 week program ‘Financial Flow’ which uses your Human Design (particularly gates in different planets) to release conditioning and beliefs that is stopping you from achieving financial flow in your business.

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