How Can You Utilise Your Pluto Gates in Your Business

Pluto is about empowerment and transformation.

Look at the gate or gates that are in Pluto in your Human Design chart. These are the gates that will support you in your own transformation – although not necessarily in a traditional or expected way.

On the other hand, if the energy of the Pluto gate or gates is in a lower expression, you may find that the opposite is true and that it may be the place where you are consciously or unconsciously being disempowered and kept in some kind of a holding pattern.

In mythology, Pluto is associated with the underworld and death. Death is something that is feared and something that we often fight to stave off.

Consider what fears might be contained in your Pluto gates (particularly if they are in an undefined/open centre). Are you facing these fears or are you suppressing them?

Fear is most often the root of any energy that takes us out of alignment. This is because it comes from our mind and our mind’s desire to be in charge. Our mind might encourage us to move away from the message from our Authority because it’s not ‘logical’, ‘it doesn’t make sense’ or that others may judge you for going down that pathway.

Pluto directs us towards those things that we would most like to keep hidden and not confront. When we are brave enough to move beyond our fears, we open ourselves up to creating change in ourselves. This has a flow on effect in our business.

Also, the god Pluto was connected to great riches (particularly those from the ground) so it is possible that by releasing some of our shadows we then open ourselves up to greater riches in whatever form they take. 

As you study your Pluto gates, consider how they can support you in creating transformation within yourself and within your clients.

This is the power of Pluto.

If you are interested in creating a more magnetic and abundant business, I am currently looking for 5 people who are willing to go on this transformational journey with me. As with any transformation – there will be challenges and blocks to overcome before you reach empowerment!

(Note – this is a beta program)

Message me for more details!

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