Business For Projector

The inspiration for this post comes not only from meeting and working with a number of Projector business owners, but also from my personal experiences of being a Projector in business.

It can be very easy for Projectors in business to feel unseen and defeated – basically caught in the energy of bitterness.

It certainly formed a big part of my business story – which made me doubt my own instincts that I was here to be an entrepreneur!

Even as a child I had this sense that I was meant to be my own boss – making money my way. I kept this secret because my family conditioning said that this was not a way to have stability in life.

I went along with the family conditioning and my profile as a 1/3 Investigator/Martyr – or at least the Line 1 aspect and pursued a pathway of education. Although teaching resonated as a way to be a guide, I quickly became disillusioned and began to seek a new direction.

It’s only now that I know that this was all perfectly in line with my design.

I’m designed to be an entrepreneur. I’m designed to recognise directions I need to pursue through my defined G Centre.

For me, any change needed to start with investigating and building knowledge. Outside of my job I was learning lots of skills – mostly in the direction of health and wellbeing.

My focus eventually fell on body therapies.

I studied all different kinds of massage and oriental body therapies, including acupressure which was my favourite!

After studying for several years, I started a part time business while I was still working as a teacher.

I found that I felt energised by doing bodywork in a way that I didn’t feel at school. In hindsight that probably had a lot to do with the energy I was receiving from the clients’ defined centres!

To be honest, although I was pulled to have a business, I had not spent any significant time learning about being in business!

I felt ready. I felt recognised. But I really wasn’t recognised as me – and I certainly hadn’t been invited.

After several years building my business slowly part time, I decided to leave my teaching job, do some further study and go all in on the business.

Without taking you through all of the mistakes, problems and issues I faced – it was a disaster.

The business I wanted to run wasn’t successful so I had to rely on my other skill – teaching. I created a tutoring business that was successful but literally burnt me out, probably because I was just seen as ‘a teacher’ rather than being recognised as my authentic self.

I wasn’t charging enough in either business because of my undefined Will/Ego Centre. 

After 3 ½ years I was almost entirely broke. Half the time I was living on the goodwill of friends.

Physically, I was also broken.

I had to quit!

This deep sense of failure led me to return back to my home state and seek work once again as a teacher. Inside I knew this was not correct for me, but it felt like my only option.

It didn’t take me long, though, before I once again started a part time tutoring job – this time by being invited. It was very successful – so much so that I found myself heading towards burnout once again. 

Although I had been invited I probably should not have continued to say ‘yes’ more and more. For a Projector, getting paid per hour is a recipe for exhaustion and burnout! We are here to leverage our knowledge and our time.

It is essential that Projectors do not fall into the trap of working in the same way as Generators or Manifesting Generators. They have access to continual energy across the day. Projectors do not!

There is still more to tell in my journey to being an aligned Projector in business!

In part 2 I will dig more deeply into my journey to establishing Human Design Alchemy!

I would invite Projectors who are struggling in business to consider joining the HD Financial Flow group program.

It will help you address financial blocks, boost your confidence and increase your magnetic attraction for your ideal clients. Through these changes you should also experience an increase in the income you attract into your business.

This new program is launching at the end of November, but early bird pricing is available now!

If your authority is saying ‘yes’, please send me a message!

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