How Can You Be More Magnet in Your Business?

To answer this question from a Human Design perspective, you become more magnetic the more you align your focus, words, actions and decisions to your design.

Human Design is a beautiful mix of many different wisdoms, but at its heart it is all about energy.

Your energy will be more attractive and attracting when you are in alignment.

What does that mean?

It means that you use your Strategy and Authority as your tools for making decisions.

It means that you fully embrace and balance your Profile energy. Your Profile is the cloak that you are wearing out in the world as you learn, connect with others and work on fulfilling your purpose.

It also means that you are working on aligning with your blueprint for life, your Human Design chart.

Coming into alignment is not simply a matter of gaining a whole lot of knowledge about Human Design, although this can be useful. It can be a complex and sometimes confusing system at the beginning so knowledge is useful!

Alignment is about recognising when you are operating in the ‘Not-Self’ – when you are reacting and acting from your conditioning rather than from your true self.

A person who is in true alignment will have a natural magnetism.

If you’re trying to fake it energetically others will sense this and end up being repelled.

We are all here to be a unique expression of our energetic blueprint.

We are not here to be pale imitations of others.

So, be brave. Show up as your own unique self and watch how things change for you!

I have ONE spot left in my HD Financial Flow beta program. If you want to know more, contact me asap!

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