What ONE thing You can do to Magnetise YOU in Your Business?

If I gave any business owner one piece of advice that would have the greatest impact, I would tell them to use their Strategy every single day in their business.

Your Strategy is all about your aura.

When you consistently use your Strategy, you make your aura more magnetic.

People will start to notice you, when before it might have felt that you were fighting to be visible.

This will feel like a natural flow.

This is even more important if you are a Projector!

When I first started in business (this time around), I had no idea about my Human Design. The first two years felt like I was constantly battling to be noticed, to be heard and to be seen. Although this is the typical Projector experience, I know from working with the other types that many of them experience the same thing.

We are all conditioned to believe that we are here to act like Manifestors and ‘just do it’.

Everything I was taught in the business programs were all about how you had to take action, how you had to go and get out there and sell – sell yourself and your business!

I’m sure most of you have been through that, too.

I’m also sure that most of you felt that a lot of what we are told to do in these ‘standard’ programs felt icky.

We feel icky because we are fighting against our natural energetic flow.

Projectors will be unseen and rejected if they try and push their way into their ideal clients’ lives.

Generators and Manifesting Generators need to have something to respond to. If you just go out and do it (initiate) you will make people feel uncomfortable and push them away.

Manifestors, usually life has conditioned you so much you just want to hide away and be secretive. If you don’t stand tall and actually initiate something new into the world, the rest of us have nothing to spark our own actions! Be brave and you will have success.

Reflectors find what you are passionate about, then go and find the right environment to be in and the right people to be with and there will be no holding you back.

Work with your Strategy and you will find a natural, comfortable flow will begin to happen.

If you would like to find out more about this, contact me for details about my 1:1 business coaching program ‘Your Next Step by Design’.

If you are wanting to increase the financial abundance of your business and life, sign up for the next round of HD Financial Flow coming in early 2024. 

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