Authenticity is something that is really valued in business.

Authenticity is something that is really valued in business.

People want to feel like you, as the business owner, turn up in an authentic way and that they are then treated as a unique individual.

However, authenticity and uniqueness is sometimes easier to aim for than to achieve!

We are often given the hidden message that everyone values these things – but you can only be unique and authentic in the same way as everyone else!

It takes courage and confidence to truly show and stand out as being unique.

For me, Human Design has been the thing that has helped me step past my fear and step out with greater confidence.

But it took me a lot of learning to get there!

I have signed up for quite a number of coaching programs since 2018. What I noticed over and over again was a very similar thread that ran through all of them.

They all offered some really great strategies and systems BUT they were all very similar. Each would have just this one thing that made it different to the next one.

That one thing was valuable and helpful. Don’t get me wrong! I am a coach so I respect other coaches because I know what’s involved!

I’m not focusing on that one point of difference or even all of the other components. My point is that everyone seems to have been ‘drinking from the same well’.

Someone, way back when, at the start of the coaching industry, seems to have created this well from which all are expected to drink. The well contains lots of great advice, tools and systems but it seems to assume that everyone is designed the same way.

We are not! When we try and work in a way that we are told is the only way to build something or do something in our business, we end up being inauthentic – and we use up a lot of energy as well.

When we create our business and work in our business from our authentic self, there is a natural flow and reduction in pressure that can be felt by those around us.

Human Design shows us how to do the tools from the coaching well in a way that reflects who we truly are.

If you are feeling like you are trapped by a process or tool you’ve learnt from someone else, I can show you how to adapt it to your energy and your business.

That is what Your Next Step by Design sessions are about – taking what you are already doing, tweaking or adjusting it and, by doing that, opening you up to being truly authentic and uniquely you! Let me know if you’d like more details about these sessions.

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