How Can Your Profile Support You In Business?

What is your Profile?

On your Human Design chart it will show up as a combination of two numbers and two words. For example, I am a 1/3 Investigator/Martyr.

These numbers and words represent a particular archetypal energy that you bring out into the world. They show how you appear and operate in the world.

My profile tells me that I am here to build a knowledge based business in which I am seen as an expert in one or more areas. Behind the scenes, I will be creating new ways of working with all my knowledge. This could be systems, processes or some other kind of tangible thing. Whatever it is, it will create change for others.

Knowing this, I am able to build my business around these two aspects of myself. This is aligned for me, which means that it will bring the right kind of energy to everything I do.

I am not made to be the centre of networks. My gifts do not just flow out of me and I am not a mirror for others. I also do not have role model energy. These are all aspects of different profiles. If I try to work in these ways, it feels uncomfortable to me.

One of my business coaches was very big on building networks. Perhaps she had Line 4 or perhaps she was just regurgitating what other coaches have said is the way to do business! I don’t know because I don’t know what her Human Design is. What I can tell you is that this did not work for me! I just felt uncomfortable!

These are my top tips for using your profile in your business:

  1. Know what you are good at. Both of the line numbers in your profile have their own strengths. Get to know what they are.
  2. Connect with your customers/clients in the way that is correct for you. Use this as your biggest strength. It will draw the right people to you.
  3. Gather information in the way that is correct for you. If you are meant to study, study. If you are meant to explore alone, give yourself space, and so on.

Your profile, when your business is aligned to it, will help you to feel more comfortable, more yourself with everything you do in your business. When you feel more comfortable and confident so do your customers and clients.

If you would like to find out more about this, contact me for details about my 1:1 business coaching program ‘Your Next Step by Design’. You can book here OR use this link to book a free 20 min consult.

If you are wanting to increase the financial abundance of your business and life, sign up for the next round of HD Financial Flow coming in early 2024 by sending me a message!

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