Are You Marketing Your Business in an Aligned Way

If your experience of starting a business has been anything like mine, it’s likely that you were ‘taught’ the formulas for marketing your business involving things like pain points and so on.

Have you ever felt a bit icky following the marketing formulas?

I remember one of my business coaches telling me that if I wanted success then I had to do it following her particular formula. My resistance was about my fears!

When I came to understand my Human Design, I realised that my Authority was ‘telling’ me that the ‘tried and true’ marketing formulas were not correct for me. If I tried to use them, I didn’t get any of the great results I was supposed to!

Frankly, it all made me feel like I was a failure. If it worked for everyone else, why didn’t it work for me? Does this resonate with anyone?

Human Design reminds us that we are all designed to be different. Your business is an extension of you, so it is also designed to work in a way that aligns with your energy. When you align your marketing and your offerings to your authentic self, you will experience more joy and more success in your business.

Your design reveals how to connect (energetically) with your ideal clients. A lot of this is about you showing up as the true you, and expressing yourself unashamedly as you!

If you would like to delve into this further, there are two ways in which I can support you.

Your Next Step By Design is a 1:1 mentoring program that is guided by your specific needs and the needs of your business. Book your initial session here:

If your biggest challenge is the financial flow of your business, send me a message to get details of the next HD Financial Flow group program coming in February 2024.

If you would like to see how I can help you in your business, book in for a free call. 

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