How Can You Make Aligned Decisions?

Human Design is referred to as ‘the science of differentiation’ because it reminds us that we are all unique individuals.

We are the only ones who know what is truly right for us because we are the ones living in our bodies – not someone else! When you seek advice from outside of yourself, not only are you disempowering yourself, but it’s also highly likely that the advice is not correct for you in that moment.

Human Design has a very simple decision-making process that allows us to be our own authority and to make decisions that are energetically aligned.

This is the process= your strategy recognises a possible aligned opportunity+ (pause) + your authority lets you know if it is energetically aligned at this time. That’s it!

Sounds easy, doesn’t it? And it is – but it also requires a change in perspective and the release of some conditioning to get there. AND practice!

If you are ready to learn how to truly become your own Authority, the ‘Living by Your Strategy and Authority Course’ can support you in achieving this. This is a short self-study program that provides knowledge and practical action steps. It launches between 22-26 Jan for A$22. Let me know if you’d like more details.

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