How Can Understanding Your Human Design Help You in Business

How can understanding your Human Design help you in business?

There are so many ways that it would almost be easier to say – how can’t it help you?

There are two BIG ways you can use your Human Design to help you.

  1. By being able to see what kinds of conditioning and childhood wounds you’re likely to be carrying.
  2. By seeing very clearly what gifts you truly have!

Both of these things are interconnected.

Your conditioning can often prevent you from seeing what your gifts are.

It can be useful to look at both of these things in tandem.

Let me give you an example.

The first round of HD Financial Flow is almost at an end.

This program is designed to reveal and work on releasing and healing conditioning that might act as a barrier to you achieving financial success in your business.

For example, your Design Mercury gate reveals ways in which you might block money from flowing to you. If you work on those blocks and generally heal your energetic body using HD Mind Reiki, you can let go of these things and make room to allow more money to flow into your life. 

This does not guarantee what source the money will come from, but it does create more potential for flow. It is not unusual to then recognise more blocks that also exist around money. 

By looking at six different parts of the chart and working with those areas, we create energetic change for you within your business.

Another area of business that you can be supported through your design is the kinds of clients or customers you are truly here to serve – and the best way to serve them.

I know in my business I spent time going down tracks that coaches had directed me towards. These were not in my zone of genius and were not what I was really here for.

Just viewing one part of my chart in a different way, my Personality Sun gate, led me to pivoting my business and doing things that genuinely light me up because I am impacting people in the way I am designed.

There is so much you can discover through your Human Design.

If you have an aspect of your business that feels out of sync with you, you can use your Human Design chart to help guide you towards a more aligned way of doing things!

If you’ve got something in your business that feels misaligned why not try ‘Your Next Step by Design’ coaching sessions.

Individual sessions are currently $145 for 90 min. Book here

Or you can go deeper with 3 sessions for $420. Book your first session here 

If you would like discover more about how Human Design can support you and your business, book your free call here 

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