Human Design and Your Intuition

In the very early days of me learning about Human Design, before I was really understanding my strategy and authority even, I heard something that made my mind and my intuition churn!

This acted as a catalyst for me to do a really deep dive into what Human Design shows us about our intuition.

What was it that I heard?

I was listening to a Human Design podcast (I don’t remember which one) and the podcasters were interviewing someone who worked as a psychic. 

They had looked at the guests chart and found that she had Gate 57 in a defined Spleen. She most likely had it as part of a channel. I don’t remember all the details clearly. 

The part that stands out was when one of them made the comment that went something along the lines of needing to have Gate 57 if you were going to work in that field and be a psychic. There was also a comment about needing a defined Spleen as well.

To set the scene a little further, I had just completed my first round of Magnificent Mediumship with Victoria Bond, so I felt very comfortable knowing that I had powerful intuitive gifts! Now, these podcasters were telling me that according to Human Design, that wasn’t the case. 

At first I went into my head and brought forth my insecurities about my own intuition and psychic abilities. Very quickly, I discarded those thoughts and trusted in myself.

But the questions still remained! How did what I had learnt in Magnificent Mediumship marry with the words from the podcast? Knowing that I was very intuitive, how did that express itself through my design?

This began an extensive search to find some answers.

These did not come easily! There was not much information out there – and what there was had obviously been copied from the same source which seemed to be Karen Curry Parker.

The information was useful but I was now in full-on investigator mode and I kept on digging.

After several months of research, and some intuitive downloads (one of my intuitive gifts), I had the knowledge to show that every single person has so many intuitive gifts! Our designs show that we are meant to be intuitive. I would go so far as to say that there is more intuitive energy within us than logical.

I didn’t really see at the time that I had created something new and significant that was just not readily available anywhere. This was true even when several people told me that.

Perhaps it’s because I’m a Projector, perhaps it’s because my authority is Self-Projected with its wounding around communicating my truth, but I do tend to find it difficult to see the things I create as being innovative and different. This is the first time, for example, that I’ve told this story in a broader context.

If you would like to find out all about your amazing intuitive gifts, I do this through a pre-recorded 45 min reading which is A$105. As with all of my pre-recorded readings, you can pay and book a time for me to do the reading, or you can message me to organise the reading.

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