As an astronomical body, Chiron is quite unique. Instead of having just one classification, it has several – an asteroid, a centaur, and, most probably, a comet captured by the Solar System.
As a mythological being, he also has a mixed identity.
He is neither fully man nor beast, but a mixture.
Unlike most of the centaurs, he did not follow his ‘beastly’ side. He was known for being wise and civilised.
These contrasts are partly why Chiron helps us with our own deepest, most hidden nature. Things that we may have been shamed for as a very young child, causing us to pack that side of ourselves away deep inside.
Chiron is here to show us how to heal. Here are three things we can learn about ourselves through him.
1. Where and what are our deepest childhood wounds from our family, particularly feminine figures.
Chiron helps us to recognise the ways in which we have been wounded by those closest to us as young children. This wounding is quite often unconscious on their part, but it may still be impacting us all these years later.
Some people, like me, have their Chiron in two different gates – Personality and Design. Others may have the same gate.
It still points us towards things that we may not have been consciously aware of, even when it is in our Personality side.
2. When we recognise what our wounds are, healing is possible, which opens our potential to release our creative fire!
When we recognise how we have been wounded, which is typically a massive blind spot for us, we open ourselves up for deep healing.
This is transformational!
We create change purely because we are willing to claim back our personal power and take responsibility for releasing those things we have been blind to.
This blindness will have wounded us in different ways across our lives, but Chiron brings us the message and the energy to create powerful change!
By healing from these wounds we also give ourselves a greater capacity to understand and support others.
3. The place where we heal from our Chiron wounding provides us with the place from which we can impact others.
If you have ever wondered, “How am I meant to help others?” Chiron can show you one really powerful place.
Overcoming our own wounding and going through a process of healing, gives us a unique ability to pass this on to others and to guide them through their own healing.
Your experiences, although they will often be painful and difficult, allow you to have a unique understanding and empathy for those who are dealing with the same or similar wounding.
Chiron can lead you into becoming a healer for others.
Chiron can lead you into becoming a healer for others.
‘Ignite Your True Self’ is a 1:1 program that takes you through your design to help you heal what needs to be healed, recognise your conditioning and live your life empowered to be your true self! Contact me for more details. There are currently four places available in both the 3 month and 6 month programs.