Human Design is a way to understand yourself deeply. Through understanding and acceptance you reach the point of self-love. Too often we are made to feel that there is something ‘wrong’ with us. Somehow we don’t fit with ‘their’ expectations.

This feeling of wrongness and as though we don’t deserve to love ourselves is part of the unconscious conditioning and wounding we have received across our life. As children we spent time taking in everybody else’s energy in ways that made us feel that ‘wrongness’.

There is nothing wrong with us!

Human Design shows us that! We’ve just received so much energy from others that we’ve been lost amongst it all. But we are still there.

We can accept and love ourselves as we truly are as we see more and more of our true selves. The biggest method for doing this is by following your strategy and your authority.

Just writing it like that sounds so simple. The concept IS simple.
It’s the execution that requires some focus, self awareness and experimentation.
Every day you actively live in the experiment you will find that you love and accept yourself more and more.

If you would like some help with getting started on your journey, Your Human Design Foundations online course is open for applications.
If you’d like more details, message me.
Or, you can apply to join using this link.

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